Chapter 33

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

Now busting out of here is not a walk in the park, it's a 'oh shit Bakugou is coming after me because I called him a little bitch' you better get your ass moving if that happens, that's how it's gonna feel, running away from a fuckin explosive hedgehogs that has no limits, I sigh and lay down on my bed looking at the ceiling thinking of how am I gonna get these little kids outta here, but my thought where moved to somewhere else"wonder how everyone is doing at U.A, I know they graduated because I've been here for five years, I hope there doing better than I am"

~~~~Aizawa's POV~~~~

"Eri come on your gonna be late for the bus!" I held her bag and waited by the door, she comes running in and takes her backpack

"Thanks dad, I'll see you later, bye love you" she runs out and makes her way to the bus and leaves, sometimes I think if [y/n] would have this life, if I had won the case maybe she wouldn't get bully if Eri was there to help her, but I can't, it's been five years since I last saw her, and I wonder how is she doing, are they treating her well, is she happier at that place is she still the same little trouble maker, I wish I knew but I have no way of contacting her

I then make my way to U.A, I have a new class since Izuku and everyone graduated and are now becoming famous heroes, this class is way more calmer than Izuku's which I appreciate but I kinda miss the loud noisiness

"Where going to the U.S.J to practice more of natural disaster scenarios, you need to be more prepared for this, let's go" they all got up and went to the locker rooms and changed, we then made our way towards the bus and we took off, after a few minutes later we pull up and got out, as we did Bakugou made his way towards the gate and started talking to Thirteen

"Hey look isn't that Ground Zero"

"Yeah it is, what's he doing here"

"Is he gonna help us"

"Wait are we fighting him!?"

"Guys be quiet, I didn't even know he was coming here, stay put I'll talk to him" I walk over and he waves "so what are you doing here"

"There was a robbery and I heard that the suspect fled around this area so I'm looking for him, I should get going making sure that he isn't around here" he leaves and I told the class to get going or there's gonna be extra work

"Wonder how the rest is holding up"

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I shot out of my bed and just thought of a perfect way to not only free me but everyone else in this facility, it will damage me but it will be worth it once I get everyone out of here, I'll mainly focus on my units safety after I successfully get out, I'll report this  shit hole and get the hell outta here and make my way back to Japan, I plan on taking the kids with me and maybe once we get there I can put them in a foster home, I check the time and it's almost time to get up and get ready so I get in the shower letting the warm water hit my face, I look around my body and notice that I have an enormous amount of scars all over my body, like a shit ton of them

"Nothing I can do about it, guess I'll live with them for the rest of my shitty life" I hop out and get changed, brushing my hair and teeth and hear the door open ready for me to get out, I get the kids we eat breakfast and we go to our classes, we get educated but this education is no joke, not only do we have to have our quirks tested but we gotta be smart as hell in here, but luckily for me I'm the top student in this whole facility, which is why they haven't killed me yet because of my behavior, I also teach the kids so they don't fall behind, after about seven hours of non stop reading, writing, researching and all that shit we finally get out and eat

Next month is the quirk test, that's when I put my plan into action, I'll use so much power and energy Imma break this whole facility, then break the collars on our necks, after that I'll lead the kids to safety and run towards a police station to report the incident, and that's when I go back to Japan, I just hope that nothing goes wrong and we'll all get out safely

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