Chapter 57

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~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"What do you mean things will turn for the worst, I-I thought I can't die"

"It depends, if you keep dying like you do, soon your healing powers will deteriorate, this is your last time you die, next time it will become permanent and you will go with Nana Shimura"

"Wait I'm dead right?"

"Well only for a minute" I sighed out

"Good, wait- you still have memories of me even though I went back in time"

"You can't change deaths time, sure people who have died during the corse of the seven years went back to life, but they will die again"

"Oh..." I look at my hand and it was beginning to fade away "looks like I'm leaving"

"Be careful, if you die one more time, your done for"

"I know, I'll be careful, I promise"

~~~~Back in your body~~~~


"Huh! What happen!? Am I dead, where's Jesus!?" I look around in a panic "oh... I'm still alive" I took a deep breath and sighed out, I see people crowd me and paramedics with worried expression

"She's alive!" everyone cheered and sighed relief, I see Katsuki make his way into the crowd

"[y/n] what the fuck was that!!" I look at Katsuki with a confused expression


"Bakugou don't yell at her, she's fine and that's all that matters" Toshinori said, Katsuki looks pissed more than usual

"But seriously [y/n] what was that-" Toshinori was cut off by Katsuki's ranting

"You fighting All for One, what was that shit, you could've died!" he poked my forehead repeatedly

"I'm sorry but I couldn't just sit there and see All Might struggling!"

"He would be fine! He's fought many villains in the past-"

"No he would not, you don't know that"

"[y/n] please listen, I would have been fine-"

"No! You would have not" I cut him off, I get up only to fall back down, the paramedics grabbed my arm

"Little girl you need to rest" I snatched my arm back

"I'm fine, I've had worse" I walk away shoving my way out of the crowd

"[y/n]! Come back!" Katsuki and Toshinori tried to make there way towards me but I was able to get out faster, I started running away, I didn't know where I was going but I need to be by myself

"[y/n]!" I hear my dads voice yell out for me, I look around and see him up ahead, I started running towards him then...

"WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING!?!?!" I stop dead on my tracks "ARE YOU THAT STUPID TO GO WITH A VILLAIN!?" It felt like each word was an arrow hitting me "I'm disappointed in you, I thought you knew better!" I can feel my throat tighten, and my eyes sting, blood boiling inside me


"You could've died!!"

"BUT I DIDN'T!! Look I'm fine can't you see!!!"

"I know your fine but can't you see that was dangerous!"

"I know it was, but heroes put there lives in danger to help others, instead of sitting down like a dodo bird why don't you get up and do something useful with yourself!"

"I did, I put you before anyone else and you don't appreciate what I did to keep you safe and healthy! I SHOULD'VE JUST LEFT YOU AT THE DAMN POLICE STATION!!!"

I flinched at what he said, Toshinori, Katsuki, and Izuku came just in time to hear what he said, everyone's eyes widen including him, everything was silent and he just realized what he said

"W-wait [y/n] I didn't-"

"Okay... if you don't want me I'll be going" I said, I felt a hand in my shoulder, I look to see Toshinori

"[y/n] it's okay" was all he said, he looked at Aizawa with such hatred "Aizawa calm down she's only five, don't be so harsh on her, I know your worried about her, but to say such a thing to her is... is.... no words can comprehend how idiotic that was" he defended

"I... I just..." he couldn't come up with words, he looks disappointed with himself... but I don't feel any pity towards him anymore, they started to argue back and forth, Katsuki and Izuku where also in the argument

'Is this what I wanted... a big happy family, if I knew things would end this way, I might as well die in that facility, everywhere I go things just seem to fall apart, I think it's best if I just leave...

... forever'

I walk away, my head hung low, tears coming out, but no noise, they didn't even notice I was gone until I was out of sight, I kept walking to nowhere, my dads voice was on repeat



'I'm disappointed in you'


I felt.... nothing

I guess from years of pain, everything becomes numb

All I wanted was to feel loved

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