Chapter 18

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~~~~No Ones POV~~~~

After what happened with you and Kota, you went back to the class but Kota decided he wanted to stay at the cliff, it was starting to get dark by the time you left, so you where a little nervous but kept going down the trail Kota showed you

After about 25 minutes you didn't recognized were your where going, you looked around but nothing clicked in your head, you heard screams and you started to get more nervous, but then you remembered that class 1B was supposed to be scaring class 1A tonight

You kept walking in hopes that you run into the class, but you ran into class 1B, you hid behind a tree and where about to scare them, but there conversation got the best of you and decided to eavesdrop, you see a guy with weird looking teeth and he was talking about how Shoto and Katsuki got scared when the girl with long black hair and pale skin popped out of the ground, he was laughing until purple gas came out of no where and he passed out

The rest of the students where freaking out and they covered there mouth, so did you, you where confused and scared so you ran away in the other direction, you where trying to look for anyone but decided to go back to Kota, you retraced you're steps and found your way back to him "Kota! Kota!"

"[y/n] I thought you wher-" you cut him off

"No time to explain there something wrong!"

"Wait what, there something wrong?"

"Yeah I think there's a villain in the woods!"

"A villain how can ther-" a huge stomp stopped him from talking, your eyes widen and you slowly grabbed Kota's hand and pulled him towards you

"Look what we have here, two little helpless kids, now if I remembered the boss told us to take you, no matter what" he pointed at you, he was huge maybe a little smaller than All Might, but he was beyond scary, he only had one working eye and the other one was a robotic eye, his muscles where out of his body, he had no skin attached to it, as he looked at you Kota stood in front of you "Hey I remember you" he pointed at Kota "aren't your parents the Water Hose" his eyes widen "They are aren't they! Look what they did to my eye, took a lot time to kill them but it's there fault for getting in my way" the two of you stood in fear, you shut your eyes when he started to reach out for you, but he never came to grab you, you opened one of your eyes to see Izuku fighting him

"Izuku wh-what are you doing!?!?" you yelled

"Protecting you guys, I need you guys to run while you can, I'll deal with him!!" you didn't want to leave him, what if he gets badly hurt or worse

"No! I won't leave you!!" you yelled, Kota was pulling on your arm but you pulled away from

"[y/n] we have to leave, what if we get hurt o-or he takes you away!!" Kota looks like he was about to cry, we see the man come after us but Izuku was able to grab both of you before he got his hands on you guys, Izuku puts both of you down

"[y/n], Kota leave!! Now!!"

"I-I can't leave you! What if he kills you, I'll let him take me away if it means he doesn't hurt anyone!" Izuku's eyes widen from what you said so did Kota's

"[y/n] no!! Kota take [y/n] before anything bad happens to her!!" Kota tried to drag you away but you wouldn't let him, the man and Izuku continued to fight and that's when you saw it..... the man fighting Izuku somehow pinned him down and is now crushing him to a pulp

"I WANT TO SEE BLOOD!!" he yelled your eyes started go black, and your pupils turned blood red (like Tokyo ghoul)

"Kota look away, and whatever you do, do not look at me" he was confused but did what he was told "HEY!! YOU!!" he looked at your direction "Let him go or else!!!"

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