Birthday special

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A/N: This chapter won't effect the story so enjoy!!!

DAD! DAD! ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!" You yelled jumping up and down on the bed

"Happy birthday" he groaned sitting up


"Did you call me old man?"

"Yes now get up!"

"Sorry I can't I'm too old" he flopped back into bed and rolled himself up

"Fine your not old now come on!" you dragged him out and you two got ready, hopped in the car and drove to the high school since it was a school day, you burst into the classroom "ITS MY BIRTHDAY SO BOW DOWN TO MEEEEE!!!" they look at you frozen but they said happy birthday

"So how old are you now" question Izuku

"I'm five I can drive a car now!" you said excitedly

"No you gotta be at least fifteen or older" you pouted and people laughed

"Then I'll drive a tiny car!"

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

It was lunch time and Ochako got a little cupcake for you which you ate that thing less than a second, you had frosting all over your face and you wiped it away "We where gonna sing happy birthday" Ochako said

"Oh..... oops" they chuckled, then your dad asked for Izuku, Kirishima, Shoto, and Bakugou, and they went away for a minute and they came back, they said it was something about a project coming up, and Aizawa wanted to talk about it with them soooo yeah, you guys talked until lunch ended and the whole day was pretty normal, Izuku, Shoto, Kirishima, and Bakugou told you that they wanted to take you to the park for a little bit and your dad said it was fine, you guys went to the park and played hero and villains then you got tired then played  hide and seek, and they lost you for about thirty minutes, you where hiding in a trash can until a women screamed when she saw you and then scolded them four about keeping a better eye on you, that was fun

You guys went home and

"SURPRISE!!!!" You where greeted with a surprise birthday party, the pro hero's and class 1-A where there as well

"I KNEW IT!!!" You yelled, you ran up to your dad and leaped into his arm "I knew you where gonna throw a birthday party for me, also they got in trouble with a random lady" you pointed at Izuku, Shoto, Kirishima, and Bakugou

"Boys!" Your dad yelled, they walk towards him "Why did yo-" Bakugou cut him off

"Wait! Before you say anything [y/n] was hiding in a damn trash can!" Bakugou's said, Aizawa looked at you and you looked away

"Is this true" he asked

"Where else was I supposed to hide, there wasn't any good spots!" You responded

"You don't hide there though!" Bakugou said while face palming

"Can we just get this party started!!!" You yelled, they blasted music and the party went on for hours

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

You where passed out on the floor and woke up to see your dad on top of the coffee table, Midnight on the kitchen counter snoring, Bakugou in the bathtub,  Kirishima leaning against the toilet, Izuku with a lamp thing in his head, Shoto in the backyard face first into the grass, Mic passed out on the up stares balcony, All Might in the other room under the bed , and a bunch of other people scattered across the place, you look outside and see a crowd of people outside from your window, and opened it

"Hey! Go away I'm trying to sleep!" you tried to sho them away but they just stayed there, they where recording for some reason then it hit you, there here because the party was so loud and big word must've came out that some pro heroes where here..... great, "HEY!!! If your looking for All Might he's not here he's......he's at home!!!" You said, you tried to make an excuse but it didn't come out as convincing, people where riled up and tried to take pictures and videos inside, they even tried to climb up the house to take picture of up stares to see All Might, they ended up seeing Present Mic on the balcony

"W-what happened" he shot up and sees a random person on the balcony "Hey what are yo- what the hell!?!??!" he sees a bunch of people around the house

"I don't know what to doooooo!!!" You yelled at Mic

"What happened!?" He questioned

"I don't know, I woke up and see these people trying to take a picture or a video of you know who in you know where" you bobbed you head towards the room where All Might is

"Okay wake up everyone and we'll exterminate these people" you nodded your head grabbed two frying pans and where about make hell break lose

"I AIN'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF YALL, YALL NEVER GONNA SLEEP CAUSE OF ME!!!!" You ran around hitting the pans together repeatedly until that finally got up

"Why are there so many people!?" Izuku's yelled, they looked through the window and see everyone outside even the reporters where there

"Okay let's exterminate these people" Uncle Mic said with a bat in his hands

"YEAH!!!" You grabbed a mini bat, ran out the door and swung it around at people

~~~~30 seconds later~~~~

You where currently in the back of a police car, in mini handcuffs, waiting for your dad to convince the officer to let you go "Now this is a party" you said to yourself



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