Chapter 10

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After that whole kitchen on fire thing your dad doesn't trust Mic anymore in taking care of you, but you weren't really in trouble, all you had to do is help clean the living room and do the dishes but that didn't end well because you broke the plates, not all of them just most of them, then you got the time out corner for thirty minutes so that was fun, it was currently early in the morning you guys where ready to leave to U.A but your dad was cooking breakfast, you've also been having a bad feeling in your gut but tried to ignore it

"Your time out is done" you hear your dad say, you hop to your feet and see your dad cook in the kitchen

"Can I help you cook, I'm really good at it" he looks at you slowly and you give him the cheekiest grin

"Just for that go back to the time out corner"

"No I-I was just joking" you held your hands together and got on your knees

"Okay sit at the table, breakfast is almost done" you went over to the table and waited for the food

~~~~Time Skip ~~~~

You where sitting in one of the desk finishing up your homework, you couldn't get the bad feeling out, it's been stuck in your mind, but once again you tried to push it out of your head, you only had a few questions in your homework before it was finally done "I finished" you said looking up

"Okay, you can draw or something" you sulk in your chair, you don't feel like drawing

"Can I go with auntie Midnight" you asked

"She's teaching a class honey" you once again sulk in you chair, your dad caught eye of this and sighed

"Fine you can go with her, but don't get into trouble okay?"

"Okay!" You hopped on your feet and ran towards the hallway


'Wait which class does she have' you thought as you wonder through the hallways, you went down stares and looked around, you've been thinking about the bad feeling, you dont know why but ever since you woke up you feel like something bad was gonna happen not to you but someone else, and you wanted to find out who before it happens, after thinking you eventually just open a random door, you look inside and the first thing to grab your attention is a fluff of purple hair, also baggy and violet eyes sitting in one of the desk "Um excuse me who are you?" the teacher questioned making you look at her

"Oh hi I'm [y/n] I'm Aizawa's daughter, he's in class 1A the hero course and I'm trying to look for Midnight, but I don't really know where she is, sooo can I stay here" you asked

"Oh well sorry but can you please go back to your father"

"But he's boring and the class went on a field trip for a week, and I can't hang out with Uncle Mic because I accidentally set the kitchen on fire" you wined they just look at you with the most confused expression

"O-okay um well, Shinsou can you take [y/n] to Midnights class" the purple haired boy that caught your attention got up and grabbed your tiny hand, you guys walk down the hallway before you spoke

"Hello! You kinda look tired like my dad, he goes out at night and saves people then he wakes up really early, I don't know how he does it his hero name is-"

"Eraserhead, yeah I heard of him" he said

"Really!? I honestly didn't think people really recognize him because he does his hero work at night, that's cool that he at least gets some credit, so what's your quirk?"

"Brainwash, I can use it if a person is directly talking to me"

"Wow! Really!? That's so cool, so how come your not in the hero course that's a really useful quirk"

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