Chapter 79

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

Everyone is on patrol and helping people, apart from Katsuki, he says these aren't real problems and to only call him when an actual villain attacks, but so far it's really nothing and I'm bored, the guy that's supposed to be checking up on me hasn't even came yet, and I hadn't gotten to go out that much and explore because everyone is worried that I'll get myself in trouble

Sure I..... did a lot of things, but that's all in the past, I'm not gonna get kidnapped again, or catch things on fire... again, or get chased by a security guard..... again, Jesus what's wrong with me, that's only three and there is so much I did, I sighed out and laid my head on the desk

"What's the matter kid" Katsuki asked

"I'm bored, I've been sitting here all day, and the guy that's supposed to check up on me hasn't came yet, and there's nothing to play with" I leaned back on Izuku's chair, he ain't here yet cause he went out to help a old lady or somethin, but then Katsuki grabs my hand and we walk outside

"What are you doing"

"Well since I'm not doing anything, and there's nothing to do, might as well go somewhere"

"Like where"

"I don't know, let's just walk until we find something to do"

"You do realize that your in your hero costume"

"Yeah so what"

"You gonna attract a lot of attention"

"So, they know to not bother me, and if not I'll just scare them away"

"Aren't you suppose to make a good influence on them, just say I'm busy"

"Whatever" I shrugged and we continued to walk, we heard a buzzing sound and it was Katsuki's phone ringing, it looked like someone wants to FaceTime

"Who is it"

"Your dad" he picks it up and I see my dad in his screen "what's up"

"Where's my kid"

"Oh the kid that caught the kitchen on fire a few nights ago, she's right here" he faces the phone to me

"You did what now"

"I have an explanation!"

"And that is"

"You see... a um... a" I tried to think of an excuse "a villain attacked! And I was like BAM! And he was AH OH NO!! And there was a SMASH! BOOM! BOOM!! KAPOW!!" I started to make motions with my hands "and yeah that's what happened"

"..." he just stood there looking at me

"..." and I just awkwardly stand there

"That is not what happened, she set the stove on high heat while chicken was cooking, and since the oil got to hot it boiled and caught on fire"

"That sound more believable" my dad said, I sulk down getting ready to be yelled at but "[y/n] please like I said, don't do anything stupid, and can you please stop catching things on fire, what's up with you and fire"

"I don't know, me and fire got some sort of connection, guess you could say, we have a hot connection"

"No, just stop" he sighs "I'm calling because the guy that's supposed to check on you hasn't been answering my calls, so Katsuki keep a close eye on her since you spend the most time with her, I'll be trying to contact him as soon as possible, so for the time being make sure she doesn't do anything stupid"

"Alright, I will"

"Thank you, I'll be calling later, bye"

"Bye dad I love you!"

"Love you too honey" he hangs up leaving me and Katsuki to continue walking, we found a little ice cream store and went in, Katsuki got RockyRoad while I got (favorite ice cream), I was spacing out for a bit when my eye caught two kids, one was older while the other looked about my age, they kept starring at Katsuki, which he hadn't noticed them yet, when they landed there eyes on me, the girl quickly walked away while the boy was being pulled by her

"What are you looking at"

"Nothing Katsuki, just though I saw a cat or something, wanna keep walking" he nodded and we made it to a park, I was on the swing set while Katsuki was on a bench playing with his phone, when the two kids from before made there way towards me "oh hi, aren't you the kids that where looking at Katsuki"

"U-um yeah, I-I was wondering I-if-"

"He wants to play with you" the older girl cut him off "you really need to work on your talking, and don't be so shy"

"Oh, okay what do you wanna play"

"H-heroes, I-if you want"

"Sure, I play heroes all the time, so what's your guys name, I'm [y/n]"

"I'm Katsuma, and Mahoro is my older sister"

"Well it's nice to meet you guys"

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