Chapter 70

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

After the festival was over, everything went back to normal, Uncle Nezu made me catch up on work I missed, the class was focusing on there studies, my dad was working normally, and Eri joined in the picture, I was so glad that everything was back to normal and I don't have to worry about anything and anyone, everything was perfect....

... that's until Hatsume came running into the class

"Hey [y/n]! Can you do me a favor" it was lunch time and my dad packed me lunch today, Eri already went with the class so I was alone at the time

"Sure, what is it"

"I just made me another baby!!" she grabbed my hand and dragged me to her work spot "your not gonna believe what I just did"

"Tell me about" I said remembering her time machine, which also reminds me, 'I forgot to get the USB drive from Eri, I'll have to make a mental note for that' she reveals a mirror and I just look at it with a 'Huh' face

"Don't you love it!"

"Yeah.... remind me again what does it do?"

"It can look from the past! My goal is to make a time machine, but this is what I have so far! It's a stepping stone to my future! Literally!"

"And why did you wanna bring me here" I asked

"Well I always wondered why Aizawa is always so grumpy and strict, maybe his past can tell us something about him, and you being his daughter why not show it to you as well! You can make a closer bond with him" 'Huh never thought about traveling back to where my dad was young'

"I like your thinking, let's do it" she squealed with delight as she turns it on, it was like a tv but more... how do I explain it... better, the graphics where much more high tech, maybe because Hatsume was actually a genius and knew a lot of things on how to improve

"Sooo [y/n] what do you wanna see first, him as a baby or a kid, maybe-"

"Baby! I wanna see him as a baby!"

"Okay baby it is!" she enters the date then stops "how old is your dad and when's his birthday"

"Thirty-one, and his birthday day is November eight" I said, she did her thing and I look at the screen, it started to blur and after awhile it cleared, I see a baby with black hair and black eyes crawling on the floor, it seemed to be in a playpen minding its business "hey Hatsume can we hear what's happening"

"Hold on I'm fixing that" she pulled a couple wires and then we heard screaming and yelling, I just stood there

"I-is that his parents" I said

"It sure sounds like it" we heard a crash and then crying following behind "no wonder he so angry, his parents are horrible"

"L-lets fast forward a few years" I said, I didn't want to hear the screaming anymore, we see the screen blur and then cleared, I then regretted ever coming here, I see my dad being thrown to the ground by I assume his father, then a vase hitting him making him have a scar under his eye, the same scar on him now

"O-o-ok lets do something else, how about Bakugou"

"N-no lets keep fast forwarding"

"Y-you sure [y/n]"

"Yeah, I wanna we h-him at U.A" she went fast forward in his second year of U.A, I hear him calling himself 'weak' 'useless' 'a nobody' but he always had this friend that would encourage him, Uncle Mic and a boy with blue wavy hair, he was a new face, he always smiled, he had a bandage on his nose, he had tan skin, and he seemed to be called 'Loud Cloud'

"Oh this is a new face"

"Loud Cloud"

"What was that [y/n]"

"His hero name is Loud Cloud, doesn't that have a nice ring to it, wonder where he is now"

"Well then let's fast forward a few more months" she did that and my eyes widen, so did Hatsume's, there was a villain attack, it looked like some sort of frog thing and it will inhale quirks that are thrown at it then shoot it back out, using the quirks as its own, my dad and Loud Cloud where to busy protecting preschoolers, but then it got to close to them and attack

"W-wait" Loud Cloud sent his cloud to protect the children but that left him vulnerable for the rubble that collapsed, he was now buried in the rubble and my dad was alone to fight the villain, it looked like he hear a voice from his earpiece, must be Loud Cloud talking to him, my dad all of a sudden shot towards the villain fighting it with everything he had, it was so cool to watch him take this thing out by himself, he fought from above and dodged all its attack, and soon enough he won

"Wow your dad can really fight"

"I know right!" I was cheering him on even though he can't hear me, but soon my smile quickly faded when they removed the rubble where Loud Cloud was.....

....... he was dead the whole time

Me and Hatsume covered our mouths, my eyes widen with tears pricking at the ends "n-no this can't happen, Hatsume make it focus on Loud Cloud" the mirror shifted its attention on Loud Cloud, his corpse was being carried by All for One

"What is going on, who is that" Hatsume said

"All for One is taking Loud Cloud away, but why" we then fast forward a few more months and something I saw made me want to vomit...

.... All for One turned Loud Cloud into Kurogiri

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