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"So your job is not concerned that you haven't been showing up" I say after taking a big bite out my breakfast burrito. "I am Hoseok Jung I make the shots in that call center" he replies kicking his feet up making me giggle, "oh really" I reply playfully rolling my eyes. He smiles and puts his feet back down "I took a couple days off for you" he replies cutting his burrito before taking another bite.

"Three days?! why did you do that for" I ask with widen eyes and then take a big bite out my delicious burrito. "Because Yoongi you are seriously in need for some repairs and I know a couple day's can't fix 26 years but it can be a start to a new mindset" Hoseok states as if it's nothing.

Taking a whole three days off for me, a guy that literally freaked out 24 hours ago. A guy who cut his hand open and sobbed into your neck as he gently rubbed down my back making me feel so warm and full. A guy that screamed leave me alone even though he fears of being alone. A guy that didn't talk to you until just a couple hours ago to say he needs to shit so can you let him go use the restroom.

"You are too much for me" I say scraping around my almost empty plate. "Good, day one me and you are gonna go painting later and I don't care if you don't know how to or if you don't want to you need some fun in your life" he fights before I can get a word out.

I smile placing my hand on my cheek "I actually don't mind painting Mr. Jung" I say wiggling my eyebrow slightly. He chuckles "we will see who's the better painter" he insist and finishes his food.


"Hello welcome to my painting class were let free, feel the breeze and just let things go as course" the instructors speaks in such a care free tone. Making me sleepy. I look over at Hoseok and he's just eating this up, "I will play peaceful music as you doodle on any questions or concerns just speak up" the man reminds and turns his radio on.

Hoseok sits with eyes full of stars as background music plays. He picks up a brush and heads to the canvas, what kind of fever dream is this? "Gonna draw Yoongs" Hoseok ask noticing I haven't picked up any brush.

I look over at him and bust into a quiet laughter, "what's so funny" Hoseok ask me starting to laugh also. "Nothing" I respond picking up my brush. I just sit there listening to the music still nothing coming to mind.


It's been almost thirty minutes and my canvas is blank, Hoseok hasn't told me how long we're staying but I hope it's long since my canvas is as blank as my mind. I look past my canvas looking to see Hoseok painting so gracefully, as if this was so easy to do.

The way his fingers moved along with the brush was something magical. He told he wasn't a painter but I couldn't tell I mean he's better then me. Anyone better then me.

His posture is so elegantly slouched if that even makes sense. His eyes darting all over his picture not even to mention how focused his lips are. I hope this isn't me explaining how I have fallen for this man because I have.

Finally but unintentionally I pick up the brush going forward with doodling whatever this image is on my mind. The instructor is sited we use water colors today even though it's my first time here. My mind floated as the world behind me started to disappear, it's like I was the only one in the room as the music faded into actual background music.


The music stopped and the instructor was starting to speak again. Explaining were all gonna share our pieces one by one. Hoseok glanced at me making me blush since he knew I actually painted. Gonna be more embarrassed since the painting is literally him.

Everyone went now leaving me and Hoseok, "I actually painted a tree my mother loved but unfortunately the tree was cut down so I plan on giving this to my mother as I gift for her birthday coming up" Hoseok speaks in such a soft tone.

Everyone does the usual while I sit there not ready to stand up and speak infront of twenty other people in this class. "It's okay if you don't want to share" the instructor tells me noticing how uneasy I was feeling. I look down clutching my canvas staying silent I can't handle sudden attention on me.

"Yoongi" Hoseok whispers, I didn't respond and everyone kind of made the aura awkward. I stand up feeling dizzy but take a deep breath showing my canvas. "I couldn't come up with anything so I tried painting him" I muttered quietly.

The fact that Hoseok drew about a tree for his mother and I drew him is kind of embarrassing. Everyone drew meaningful things that had backstories while mine didn't. It's just he caught my attention and I wanted to draw something so it didn't seem like I wasted Hoseok money here.

"That's a very amazing drawing Yoongi thank you" the instructor encourages bowing at me slightly as I just sit down feeling like an jester. "That's beautiful Yoongi thank you for drawing me" Hoseok say holding his hand out to shake.

I look at his hand and then at his smile. Why are you thanking me?

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