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"So I just came to your mind......you know Yoongi you are so cute it's honestly breathtaking" Hoseok teases as he picks up his fork that had a piece of food. Biting the food right off the fork while looking at me. "Sorry if I wasted your money" I explained resting my cheek on my palm.

"Why do you think you wasted my time" Hoseok ask and then sips on his beer. "I drew you instead of drawing something meaningful like everyone else" I say actually feeling down.

"Min Yoongi I'm applaud that I'm not meaningful to you" Hoseok fake gasp as I let out a breathless giggle. "I didn't mean it like that—everyone around the room had some sort of story behind there painting and mines—I saw you and the way you sat there not evening having a care you never painted before but you looked so professional and—" I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Beautiful just say it Yoongs I tell you that your beautiful you know it's okay to compliment another" Hoseok say cutting his food and then places it on a fork just to bite out of it. "But you weren't beautiful it was beyond that—oh my god I'm just gonna stop talking" I hide my face as Hoseok pondered.

"Wow Yoongs—you really are whipped" Hoseok teases and I laugh leaning over to hit his arm as my cheeks stayed with a red tint. "Yoongi that's actually beautiful I'm thankful you drew me—every story doesn't need a backstory as long as you know what it is, is all that matters" Hoseok tells me as I just nod.

"That doesn't make sense everyone deserves a backstory" I argue as he just smiles at me. "Okay fine everything needs a backstory, but saying you wasted my money is pointless you didn't I don't care if you didn't draw anything the fact that you actually agreed to go is what matters to me" he responds with that smirky smile.


"How do you feel tonight?" I haven't been asked that question in a while, despite my nurse from the hospital checking my vitals; that question seemed to come up more then I expected.

I haven't been asked that in general, like just a night out kind of question that makes me sit and ponder if I should say the truth or not.

"Honestly I'm still—I don't even know" I laugh off shaking my head. My leg kicks up as we both lean against his car drinking a nice gold beer. "Well you do know you just don't know how to say it" hoseok pressures into my mind.

"Okay mister know it all—how do you feel?" I ask glancing over at him, Hoseok just gives me that look and does that sly smile. "I feel nostalgic right about now remind me of a dark time in my life that I can look back at now and see much I have grown" he responds and then takes a swig at his beer.

"Are you fucking serious you sound like those commercials that pop up on my tv for self harm prevention—those adds came up when I first got checked to see a therapist" he chuckles at me. Love that I can joke with someone with my dark humor some would look at me as if I was stupid for bringing that up.

"Can I ask why did you get checked into a therapist the first time?" He ask sweetly and for some odd reason my wrist tingles. Memories flood and my mind becomes cloudy and I can't form the saliva in my mouth to talk. "No" I reply taking another look at him.

"Fair enough" he say with a cocky shrug and rests his head on the bummer next to his license plate. "What happened in this nostalgic moment for you?" I know it's not right for me to ask but him talking brings me peace.

He takes a swig of his beer bringing both of his knees up. Rubbing his younger over his pearly white teeth, he makes this breathless giggle that fills my heart. "My life seem perfect to you but to me it was hell for a while—my father was and still is such a pushover" he speaks trying to fight back on his words.

"A big argument stirred up so I left with some friends to clear my mind—we sat out like this and talked about so much shit it honestly felt like a blur to me I just kept thinking about how is gonna be when I leave and go home—my mind felt free with them I had points were I blanked out worrying too much on the future" he takes another swig of his beer.

"Do you promise me your gonna get better" he pleaded looking at me, I tapped the beer against my knee. My lips stayed shut as my eyes stayed at ground level I couldn't look up I felt too scared. "Sure" I reply quietly and the look his face fell to made my insides crumble.

"Got it" he say finishing his beer getting up lightly hitting my thigh like I was his "bro" and proceeded to head to the back of his car.

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