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"Black iced coffee didn't think you would need this" joon say with a smile placing the cup down. "I would like to say it's our tradition—our friendship" I respond cheekily and he just chuckles. "It's been a good while since it's just been you and me" joon responds after a long sip of his coffee.

"It's also been a while since I been in here" I say looking around noticing my lights are on and I'm not in the dark. "She has missed you" joon responds and for some reason I smile resting back in my chair. I sigh and bite my lip out of curiosity of how to say what I want to say.

"I'm sorry" I tell him and he looks up at me wondering as to why I'm saying sorry. "It won't leave my mind of how shitty of a friend I am to you—for years I been knowing you and I still shut you out and I'm sorry for that" that chokes up first before my mind goes blank for a second.

"The first time I tried ending my life I thought of you and how disappointed you would be in me since I never told you my true feelings—and then it happened again but this time I didn't even speak to you only through messages which sucks ass I'm sorry I'm such a asshole" I was afraid to even look at him. The whole time my rings kept my eyes busy because my heart pumped way too fast to be looking at anyone.

"Yoongs you are my best friend—the man I have known for years and although you might have closed me in I knew you being so clear as glass I knew something was wrong—I was afraid to step in closer I should have made more effort to help you because I knew every thought running in your mind but instead I turned away—I'm sorry Yoongi and please don't call yourself a asshole life is a bitch it beats you down until you are at your knees" we both chuckle at the last part. Finally looking up at him.

"Just promise me to keep me in Yoongs I miss you a ton and so does this studio" he leans over and ruffles my hair. I smile chuckling silently while looking at him "so are you and Hoseok a thing" he ask knowing that we both forgive each other. It may seem fake but that's our way of forgiving each other, joon shouldn't take the blame and he knows but we have many more days, and songs, and more beer to talk it out on random nights.

"No just friends" I reply tapping my fingers smiling, "sure so what's with the lovey face" he ask teasingly cocking his right brow. "Oh shut it he's not gonna date me" I respond turning towards my computer, "why not he's clearly into you I don't understand why" he jokes and I smile nudging him.

"Because I keep rejecting him I'm not ready for anyone to date me" I say logging into my computer glancing at joon. "Wow how many times have you rejected the poor man" joon ask clearly shocked, even though Hoseok has kissed me, held my hands in public, kissed my cheek and FOREHEAD, cuddled me on so many occasions. I am never dating him because my cheeks would stay flare never ceasing to see my natural color.

"A lot he doesn't get the hint I don't even really like him like that" joon laughs at me so hysterically as if I'm some comedy special. "Don't lie to yourself Yoongs the whole world knows you are in love and is trying to deny it because you don't want to face the embarrassment—or maybe your just afraid" I ignore him clicking away smiling.

"Ahh Yoongs give him a chance let him have some Yoongi in his life" I push his chair away from me as he laughs. "Fine I'll stop teasing you" he say before sipping his coffee, "you should hang with me Friday before you go to your 90 day home and bring Hoseok" I glance at him tapping my fingers along my desk.

"Sure" I reply and he chuckles giving my hair a little ruffle "hey! Your gonna mess it up" I say turning around to see him laughing as he leaves my studio. I smile once my door closes and continue to open my file, I guess it's time to edit my music folder.

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