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Hoseok lifts his wary head up hearing the sirens approach Yoongi apartment, "there coming to save you" he whispers holding in tighter to him. Pulling him into a stretcher Yoongi was rushed to the hospital immediately.

He stayed behind, neighbors outside, everyone was outside and Hoseok knows Yoongi would hate him for this but this is serious. Hoseok was thoughtless every word went over his head all he could do was rush over to joon and hug him as a sign for please don't leave my side even if I hanged around you once. We both love Yoongi so let's stay together for him. Namjoon was never the man to turn anyone down, he hugged him back full of so many regrets.

Everyone paced the hospital floor except for Hoseok as he just sat there bouncing his leg over and over waiting for Yoongi name to be called. It's been hours and no update on anything the pits of his stomach is turning all directions he just hopes he lives.

Hoseok would give his life to Yoongi if he has too, Yoongi deserves to live no matter what. Namjoon glances at him and explains to him to calm down and don't think anything bad, despite everyone worrying somehow joon ends up being the calmer for everyone right about now.

The doctor comes into the room explaining to everyone that Yoongi is barely living right about now it's all up to him if he wants to make it or not. He can't have any visits until tomorrow afternoon which kills Hoseok since he has work but he's gonna call off for him. He will do anything for Yoongi putting his job at risk is the least of his problems.

Yoongi is on 'watch' which makes Hoseok even more scared he knows Yoongi hates every second of it. He just wants this all to be a fever dream that's he wants to do is wake up. Hoseok planned to go over yoongis with soup and movies to cheer him up and apologize. Hating that he didn't do it sooner but he couldn't his job held him back and as of now that's his only source of money which sucks even more.


Everyone had there time with Yoongi an hour each, Hoseok asked to be last since he's the least important. When his time came he took deep breaths before entering it's been around three days since Yoongi has been recovering. Hoseok couldn't stay for the full three days but he took today off to see him. The day after the night of Yoongi overdosing he wasn't too responsive infact he was lifeless.

Hoseok enters the room closing the door quietly, he slowly walks over to Yoongi bedside placing the flowers down and the takeout. Yoongi is not suppose to be eating takeout but it will for sure make him feel a little better that Hoseok remembers how much he hates hospital food.

Yoongi looks up at him his face saids it all, turning back down fiddling with his fingers. "Yoongi" Hoseok whispers and Yoongi chokes "I'm sorry I'm such a horrible person please don't pity me—you should have let me die" Yoongi cries having a hard time breathing from pent up tears.

Hoseok takes a deep sigh through his nose letting his head fall down, standing he makes his way around to Yoongi side. Grabbing the boy shaken, cold, pale fingers he gives them long kisses. "If you died on me Yoongi I don't think I would have been able to live with myself, you promised me that you were gonna live and I can't let you break that promise" Hoseok mutters.

Hoseok smiles and wipes the fallen tears under Yoongi eye as he blinks, "Yoongi I brought you flowers because you like it when people show you some type of affection even though you hate attention, I brought your favorite fast food because I wanted to remind you that I know for a fact you hate hospital food—I know that you like for people to hold your hand and tell you how important you are to them, I also know you hate it when people judge you just from the way you dress classifying you as a depressant when actually those colors suit your style, I know you hate it when people bewailed, making you feel so much different from them—but I know you love to smile and laugh until your stomach hurts, you want to say everything on your mind but your afraid you won't find anyone who will listen and care just as much as you but Yoongi you have infact found that person—I love you and I don't care if you deny me or try to push me away because Yoongi I can't bear to live without you, not seeing those almond eyes, that beautiful gummy smile, and the way your shoulders shake when you crack that addicting laugh, and how your pinky curls when you rest your soft cheeks on your hand, and the way you waddle whenever you walk almost like a five year old stuffed inside a man body I love you Yoongi."

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