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Falling back onto the bed both tired, chest rising up and down Yoongi starts laughing "what's so....funny" Hoseok ask still out of it. Not answering Yoongi laughs again still having his hands locked with him, "I just really enjoy having sex with you—before I met you I didn't really care for it that much I just thought it was an distraction but with you I don't think I can live without—I'm not using you for sex it's a bonus."

"Surprised the neighbors don't complain, your quite the screamer" Hoseok teases a turning on his side running his hand down Yoongi chest. "Shut up I'm not you like to keep going even when I'm done" Yoongi say very much embarrassed pouting a little and Hoseok kisses it away. Giggling Hoseok does it again and again "that's not what you were saying, want me to react earlier 'seokie oh seokie please don't stop' I can keep going" Hoseok mimics smirking seeing how Yoongi cheeks get tinted.

"Oh yeah what about you 'yoonie' and those girly moans you have huh thought you were a top don't seem like it" Yoongi fires back and Hoseok laughs at his cute boyfriend. "You can never top me you will immediately finish first of all and second you'll baby out in the matter of seconds 'seokie I can't please I wanna cum please seokie' should I continue" Yoongi grabs a pillow smacking Hoseok with it as he turns away.

"I'm very comfortable with myself if your top doesn't make noise is he really into you" Hoseok say still smirking and Yoongi ignores him. "My baby.....I'm sorry" Hoseok muffles as he wraps his arms around Yoongi burying himself in his neck giving butterfly pecks to his skin. Yoongi laughs loudly and gets comfortable in his arms "I like it when you start shaking and hiccup your so cute" Hoseok whispers and Yoongi rolls his eyes smiling.

"I can't be horny anymore I have to sleep now until it's time to leave" Yoongi warns his boyfriend clearing being ignored as his boyfriend starts kissing his neck. "We have until six it's barely afternoon" Hoseok smirks clicking his tongue and Yoongi smiles into the sheet "I'm just giving you what you want filing your request—you asked if I can have sex with you before you go to the home" Hoseok remarks. "I said that weeks ago and you already did it with me" Yoongi say rubbing his finger along Hoseok vein in his hand.

"Okay well let's sleep then" hosoek shrugs closing his eyes as he cuddles Yoongi, "no!—I mean no we can—can we seokie please" Yoongi begs feeling his boyfriend smirk again.


It was a long process dropping Yoongi off and signing papers and having a discussion with Dr. Sao about him. It was hard to let him out his arms but he knows Yoongi needs the help and it might not seem like it for right now but once everything is over—they'll see how helpful going to therapy and living in a home with people who struggle just as much as you.

Tapping his pen against his keyboard every time he sits in this chair he thinks of the night Yoongi called. Remembering how his heart tore into two from the pleads and how Yoongi voice was slowly fainting away. Remembering he looked around many hospitals to find him because he tossed and turned at night not knowing if he lived or not.

It brung back horrible memories of when Jungkook was admitted in, the heartbreak he felt knowing he failed. He can't fail again he just can't he won't be able to live himself knowing that if Yoongi does spring out again and harms himself. What if there is no coming back with Yoongi, what if he never walked through the door that day the love of his life would have slipped out his arms so easily.

Bringing chills to his body knowing that could have easily been a funeral that he wouldn't be able to attend knowing he failed—knowing he wouldn't be able to hold Yoongi or kiss him, or laugh or dance, not even go out to places with Yoongi by his side. He never got to show Yoongi the many things life has offered, so if Yoongi goes then life will have nothing to offer for Hoseok.

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