2⋆After the rain

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And now I see the world
Through diamond eyes



Kang Yeosang used to think of himself as a happy person, an optimist, a hopeless romantic. The type of person that found joy in making other people smile, someone who'd always find something good and beautiful in the madness the world can be. He used to be curious, wondering, eager to learn more about life and its possibilities.

But something has happened to Yeosang. Things which have almost made him forget how it feels to just be happy.

To just be.

Instead of feeling like a sunny day, he feels gloomy like a rainy autumn evening where the trees are letting go of the last leaves. Just like he had to do with his hopes and dreams.

But deep inside of him there's still a small spark of who he used to be, and he isn't ready to give up completely.

Not yet.

Yeosang knows that after the rain, a rainbow will brighten up the sky with the most beautiful colors. And right now, he might be looking at his own potential rainbow.

It might not be what he had expected nor hoped it to be. But it is a start, a new start, and he is determined to make the best of it. Going back is simply not an option.

"Kang Yeosang?" A voice shouts over the loud music and a hesitant hand lays on Yeosang's shoulder.

"Yes?" Yeosang nods while doing his best not to get pushed around by the crowd of dancing people around him.

He has never been much of a night club kind of guy, and he briefly questions himself on why he even asked for this job. The loud music, the drunk people shoving him around and the warm, heavy air is enough for him to to almost leave. But he did in fact ask for this job himself. The guy in front of him is Kim Hongjoong, the owner of the night club and also one of Yeosang's cousin's very good friends.

Hongjoong smiles and gestures Yeosang to follow him. The two of them shove their way through the packed night club towards Hongjoong's office.

"Sorry for asking you to come in this late, I have been so busy these days," Hongjoong apologizes after he's closed the door and shut most of the music and noise out.

"Don't worry! I'm still pretty jet-lagged, so it's no problem at all! Doesn't feel late for me at all," Yeosang smiles politely. Hongjoong smiles back and opens his desk drawer to find the work-contract he's prepared for Yeosang to sign.

"Ah, here it is! Read it through and if everything is alright just sign it. Otherwise, let me know if you have any questions."

Yeosang nods and carefully reads through the work contract in front of him. When he's done he signs it right away and hands it back. It's not like Yeosang actually needs this job, but he wants it to prove he can take care of himself. Also, he needs something to distract his busy mind from other things.

"Alright. As we agreed, your first shift is on Wednesday. Usually it's a less busy day so you should be fine. This other bartender, San, will help you with anything you need." Hongjoong walks towards the door while talking, and Yeosang follows him as he takes it as they are done here.

"It's that guy over there," Hongjoong says and points towards at a dark-haired guy working behind the bar, "but be aware that his attitude can be rather... Challenging. I've heard so many good things about you from your cousin and your former boss in London, so I'm sure you can handle him. And probably teach him a thing or two about being humble."

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