33⋆Just say yes [M]

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Kiss it off me
If you're gonna break my heart
This is a good start
Kiss it off me



"I-I need to sleep..." Yeosang mumbles, his face already snuggled into the soft pillow, ready to fall asleep. "I have classes in the morning..."

His complaint seems to be overheard, and the small whimper that comes from him is being swallowed by San's lips on his own. The older bites and teases Yeosang's lower lip, causing him to let out a quiet moan and open his mouth for him.

"I need to feel you," San whispers against Yeosang's lips.

Yeosang's eyelids are heavy, but his body slowly starts to respond to San's touch and kisses. With both of them lying on their sides, face to face, San wraps his arm around Yeosang's waist - slowly moving his hand down to squeeze the younger's butt.

"Don't you want me?" San then breathes between their lips meeting and parting.

His fingers slip up underneath Yeosang's boxers, the only piece of clothing he is wearing, and Yeosang whines into the kiss. Ever since they came back from Hawaii, San has spent almost every night at Yeosang's place. But the last couple of days, something has seemed different. Yeosang can't quite figure out what it is, but San has started to feel a little distant - even when they are lying so close together in bed.

"Don't you?" San repeats, biting harder into Yeosang's lip.

"Y-yes," Yeosang cries out, only a second before San's tongue fills out his mouth.

Their tongues swirl around each other, while San pushes Yeosang to lie on his back. He grabs Yeosang by the wrists, pinning his hands above his head on the mattress, and rubs his knee against the younger's crotch.

Yeosang closes his eyes, giving in to the heated kisses and the touch between his legs - although the touch is even more aggressive than usual. The grip around his wrists tightens, as San starts grinding his own body against Yeosang's. 

"I'm going to fuck you so hard tonight," San mumbles, as his wet lips travel down Yeosang's jaw and neck. "So fucking hard."

The look in his eyes is different, darker, and Yeosang wishes he knew what was going on. No matter how hard he tries, he can't find the soft spark that he had seen in San's eyes when they were in Hawaii. Nothing seems soft anymore. They had shared a couple of nights of cuddles and something that could probably be labeled as love-making instead of fucking, since they came back, but this isn't what has happened recently.

Yeosang buries his face in the pillow, heart is beating in his chest that is pressed against the mattress, as San has prepped both of them and starts to push himself inside. With the mixture of pleasure of pain rushing through him, Yeosang begins to pant heavily. San's hands on his hips are holding him still, as he whimpers into the pillow while being stretched out even further.

San's nails are digging into the skin around Yeosang's hips, but the pain is overpowered by the painful feeling of the hard thrusts that makes Yeosang's entire body tremble. It always hurts a little in the beginning, but intense pleasure should take over for the pain - but it isn't the case today.

Yeosang bites his lower lip, he doesn't want San to stop - but at the same time everything just feels so strange. He used to love it, when San fucked him hard. But not like this... Something is wrong.

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