14⋆Lonely nights

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The sweetness of you on my tongue
I breathed you in, you filled my lungs
A bitter taste, surrender waste
Another weakness



On his way to Yeosang's place, San went over his spontaneous idea of even going there, a million times in his head. In the end he didn't even manage to figure it out before he was standing right in front of the apartment door. Sure, it'd be easy for him to just call some random girl up for the night - like he's done so many times before - but tonight he didn't feel like it at all. With a deep breath he lifts his hand to knock on the door.

The only thing he is certain of, is that he doesn't want to be alone tonight, stuck with the suffocating thoughts that won't leave him alone. But what he fears the most, is what he might have ended up doing to himself if he had just gone home to his own empty apartment. 

His brother's words are hanging over him like a dark cloud, doing nothing but harm. San deeply regrets he went to the birthday celebration, it's not like anyone would've missed him anyway. His brother definitely wouldn't, he wouldn't even be sorry if San died – he has made that clear multiple times already.

"I brought Soju!" San says, forcing a smile, as soon as Yeosang opens the door. The glass bottles in the plastic bag clinking against each other as he lifts it up.

"Okay," the younger simply replies and gestures San to come inside.

San empties the pockets of his suit pants and lays his keys and phone on a small, white dresser. Yeosang has quickly disappeared into the kitchen to grab some glasses, and San sits down on the floor with his back leaned against the couch. When his eyes move to look at the bed next to where he is sitting, he feels his cheeks heat up from the memories of what had happened there.

Thank God Yeosang doesn't remember anything, he would probably kill San if he did.

"Why did you come here?" Yeosang asks as he sits down next to San on the floor.

"I don't know?" San shrugs, "I just didn't feel like going home."

Yeosang nods slowly, looking like he wants to ask more questions but ends up staying silent. While the younger is pouring Soju into the shot glasses, San steals a quick glance at him. It appears that Yeosang has showered just before San came over; his brown hair is still a little damp and there's a faint but sweet scent lingering around him. The navy sweatshirt he is wearing is too big and it keeps falling down his right shoulder when he moves around.

San turns his head to look away when the vision of Yeosang's soft skin is burning into his eyes. Even when they start drinking and the conversation is going somewhat well for once, he still doesn't dare to look up in fear of being captivated by Yeosang's looks again.

Yeosang is cute, like really cute. But at the same time he is so incredibly hot, and it is frustrating San who can't fight off his attraction to the younger next to him. While emptying yet another shot glass, he finally turns his head to look at Yeosang again.

"Maybe we should order some food?" Yeosang then suggests, already swaying a little from side to side.

"You're probably right," San agrees, relieved to get an excuse to get up. He needs to give his brain a short break before it overheats.

He grabs the phone closest to him on the dresser only to realize it isn't his own. The lock screen photo lights up and shows him a photo of Yeosang and some other guy next to him. And the other guy is breathtakingly stunning, even San has to admit that.

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