36⋆The awakening

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You wanted to go higher,
Higher, higher
We burned too bright,
Now the fire's gone,
Watch it all fall down, Babylon



San stumbles backwards, out of breath by the hard push against his chest, the same that caused him to lose control over his own body. With a groan, he slides down to sit on the floor, back against the wall.

The surroundings are blurry, his vision all messed up from both the drugs he had taken earlier, and the adrenaline from the fight. The taste of blood is resting on his tongue, and it only intensifies when he sucks in his lower lip.

"What the fuck is going on, Choi?" Hyunjin shouts, his voice both seems so distant but up close at the same time.

San blinks a few times, looking at his surroundings. He can't even remember how he got upstairs to the staff room - to be honest he can't remember much these days at all.

"What do you mean?" he mumbles, glaring up at Hyunjin who has crossed his arms while walking back and forth in front of him.

"Why did you say that shit to Yeosang? Are you out of your fucking mind?"

Even in this fucked up state of mind, San can't ignore just how angry Hyunjin is - and how he's never seen his friend being like this. Hyunjin gets angry when it comes to games, when Felix doesn't understand things after having explained them to him a million times, and when people at work don't clean up their own stations. But this is different, way different.

"Why do you care?" San huffs.

"Because..." Hyunjin sighs, as he slowly sits down in front of San, "You're my friend, both of you are. And I don't like to see you hurt each other. Or yourselves..."

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

Hyunjin sighs again, heavier and deeper this time, and with a small roll of his eyes he looks away from San, but even then he can't hide the disappointment that has painted itself over his bruised face.

The silence is heavy, choking, as Hyunjin struggles finding the right words, and San doesn't care about speaking to him at all. The door suddenly opens and closes, and Felix walks in with hesitant steps.

He and Hyunjin exchange a few words, out of San's hearing range, and Felix keeps looking at him with worried eyes. The younger hadn't been present when the fight broke out, and the bruises on both of his best friends' faces are making him freak out.

"Guys..." he starts off, standing between the two of them, "How could this happen? We are friends, friends don't beat each other up like this!"

"Not unless they are acting like stupid assholes, who deserve it," San spits, sending Hyunjin a cold look, which the other doesn't appreciate at all.

"I'm so sick and tired of you shit, San!" Hyunjin shouts angrily, as San's words ignite the rage inside of him once more. The look in his eyes makes Felix take a step back, and the hand he had raised, to calmly put on his friend's arm, falls to his side again.

"Hyunjin..." Felix whispers, his eyes nervously shifting between Hyunjin and San.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" San grumbles, as he gets up.

"You really have no idea, have you?" Hyunjin growls, stepping towards San, "And this is exactly why I've had enough!"

San leans against the wall, his body feeling so numb that the shock of Hyunjin's words is drowned inside of him - causing him to look as careless as ever. And if there's ever been a situation where San should've showed anything but carelessness, this would've been it.

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