4⋆Flawlessly flawed

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What a wicked game to play
To make me feel this way.
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you.



Yeosang shakes his head for the fifth time, attempting to flip his hair away from his warm face. The air inside the club is extremely humid, and as the hours pass by he soon has to give in and unbutton the first two upper buttons of his shirt. It's no way near how he usually dresses himself, and he feels so exposed, but the ladies sure seem to love it - not that this in particular is important to him though.

But when he looks at San and Seonghwa's outfits, he doesn't feel all that daring anymore. San might as well just take his shirt off and it wouldn't make much of a difference with the amount of skin he is showing.

It might not be completely crowded at the club tonight, but it is definitely way busier from what Yeosang has been used to at his old job. He's also already been slipped several girls' phone numbers; which he has put somewhere he can't even remember. But it's not like he is going to need them anyway.

Throughout the shift he does everything he can to avoid asking San any questions, as he already seems more than annoyed with Yeosang already. But Yeosang still can't help but look at the other now and then. San truly is gorgeous, even though his personality is absolutely rotten.

San works fast but that doesn't stop him from flirting with each and every girl that comes to the bar, and every single one of them are acting like he's some kind of superstar. Yeosang curses under his breath when he once again can't take his eyes off of him.

The cocky smirk that shows on that well defined face whenever he hands a drink over the counter, and the way his shirt so well calculatedly shifts around when he moves, showing off the glistening skin underneath. All of that is more than enough for Yeosang to end up on the other side of the bar with the drooling, star struck girls, looking just as spellbound as they do.

Yeosang could hit himself in the head because of these thoughts. San has a horrible attitude, and he is clearly way too full of himself. So why waste any time even looking at someone like him? When remembering how Hongjoong had made a warning about San, Yeosang has to admit he in no way had thought it would be this bad. But he won't be pushed around by a guy like San. And it did make Yeosang feel rather proud of himself, seeing how startled San got whenever he didn't get his way.

At least that other guy, Hyunjin, has been nice so far. And Seonghwa too, although the latter does seem a tiny bit conceited at times. Working here might not be that bad, Yeosang just has to survive his first couple of shifts with San and then he should be fine. Hopefully.

When work is over for the night, Yeosang feels so exhausted he could just fall asleep right away. San carelessly lets Yeosang clean up the bar by himself, which he does without any complains from being so tired.

As soon as he is done, he walks through the night club and to get to the exit he has to pass by the table where San has been hanging out with Hyunjin and some blonde guy. As he gets closer, he can hear how Hyunjin and the other guy is having a conversation about pandas, or pancakes? Yeosang isn't quite sure, but from what he can hear neither are the two others.

"Hey, Yeosang! Come, join us," Hyunjin calls out when he sees Yeosang coming towards them.

Yeosang hesitates for a couple of seconds, as the stare that comes from San isn't welcoming at all. Why should he care though, it's not like San owns this place anyway. Although he sure acts like it.

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