32⋆Remember me

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MERRY CHRISTMAS <3 and thanks for 9K on this silly story ;__; <3


Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
An' if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry



"S-San..." The sweet taste of Yeosang's lips fades, when he pulls away - his eyes closed and the water from the shower head trickling down his sun-kissed skin.

The soft whisper makes San smile, and he leans in to let his lips dance along the younger's jawline and down his neck. Yeosang hums by the touch, wrapping his arms around San's neck, running his fingers through the wet, dark hair.

Yeosang whimpers when his back touches the cold tiles on the wall behind him, and he instantly presses his body against San's - locking their lips together again.

"We need to stop," San mumbles, struggling as his tongue just keeps slipping into the younger's lovely mouth again, "They others will be back any minute now..."

"Nooo. But, I want you..." Yeosang whines impatiently, and while his naked body is nothing less than absolutely tempting, San has to stop before they get caught.

"Sangie..." A small snicker rolls out with the new nickname, and San promptly turns off the shower.

San would lie if he said it isn't killing him to stop them from going further right now, but Felix and Hyunjin will be back from the supermarket soon. He pushes his wet hair back, taking a good, long look at Yeosang who is pouting so cutely in front of him.

"Later, I promise you," San whispers, leaving a last kiss on Yeosang's lips before stepping out of the shower.

The steam from the shower has filled the room, fogged the mirror and even San's mind seems to be affected by it too. Or maybe it is because of Yeosang's presence. When the younger unwillingly steps out of the shower as well, and wraps himself in a towel, San's heart is racing in his chest.

He has given in to all the cravings of feeling Yeosang's lips against his own, at any given opportunity throughout the day, but it still isn't enough. Perhaps he'll never be able to satisfy his need for Yeosang anymore.

"When we get back to Seoul," San starts off, gently stroking Yeosang's cheeks before tangling his fingers into the wet locks, "I won't leave you alone for one single night."

"Don't say things like that, if we can't do it right now!" The complaint is accompanied by another adorable pout, and San has to fight every single urge in his body that is screaming for him to just take Yeosang up against the wall.

"Come on, let's get dressed and then go to the beach when the others return," San laughs softly.

"Wow... How fun," Yeosang scoffs, rolling his eyes, and San bursts into actual laughter from the younger's neediness.

"San, are you alright man?" Felix suddenly asks, while the guys are waiting for their food to arrive at a nearby restaurant later that day.

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't even hooked up with anyone this trip, seems very unlike you?"

"Oh... I... No cute ones," San replies, shrugging his shoulders while nervously peeking at Yeosang next to him. "And I... Don't need meaningless hook ups to enjoy this trip."

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