18⋆Lost in the moment [M]

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And it burns like a gin and I like it
Put your lips on my skin
And you might ignite it
Hurts, but I know how to hide it
Kinda like it



San flips his hair away from his steaming hot face, swiftly drying his forehead with the back of his hand at the same time.

"Baby, you are so amazing." San has lost count of how many times he has said that sentence at this point, but that doesn't make it any less true. 

Yeosang, or fucking him at least, is nothing less than absolutely amazing, and the way he is moving his body is making San feel more alive than he has in years. The sweet moans that flows from the younger's lips as San proceeds to go in even deeper is like the purest form of euphoria, and only causing San to feel determined to do everything to satisfy Yeosang's ever need. In his current state he doesn't even realize that this is the first time he has had sex where he didn't only think about himself and what he wanted.

"Y-yes, right there..." Yeosang whimpers under him, "harder, p-please..."

San slowly moves his hands from Yeosang's hips and down onto the thighs where he places them in a tight grip before pulling them even further apart to make room to thrust himself inside harder and deeper. A choked gasp comes from Yeosang as it happens, and when he throws his head backwards San instantly leans forward to tangle his fingers into the brown hair.

With one hand on Yeosang's hip and the other with a clenched grip in his hair, San feels higher than ever before. His body has become incredibly sensitive; feeling every single beat of his own pulse in every part of him and his lungs are burning with every heated breath he takes.

Despite the fact that he has only slept with Yeosang once before, he knows what it means when the younger starts clenching around him, and how his breathing becomes so hitching that the words he tries to speak makes no sense at all. San did make Yeosang come three times after all, last time.

"Just come for me, baby," San whispers, his own voice raspy from his heated breathing, "you know I love to hear your voice when it happens."

To help him along, San releases the grip in Yeosang's hair and moves his hand to the hard member between Yeosang's legs. San wraps his fingers around it, teasingly stroking the head with his thumb. Yeosang lets out an impatient whine, which causes San to smile. He loves how he can make Yeosang act under his touch, and he loves how Yeosang makes him feel as well.

"S-san, I-I..." Yeosang gasps, pushing his body against San's with a hard, sudden move just as he arches his back and finally reaches his climax.

While panting heavily, Yeosang lets his upper body fall against the mattress but San is still far from done and keeps thrusting hard into him, absolutely high on hearing the younger come under him.

"I want to see your face." San pulls out, letting Yeosang catch his breath – kind of, at least – before placing himself, back leaning against the wall, grabbing Yeosang's hand to get him to sit on top.

San stares into Yeosang's eyes as the younger lowers himself onto him, an inaudible gasp rolls over San's lips when he once again feels the amazing tightness around him. Yeosang bites his lower lip while adjusting his body, his eyes burning with the same desire that San feels within himself.

Pulling Yeosang in to let their lips meet in an instant deep kiss, San feels as if he's never kissed any other lips before. Yeosang's soft, rosy lips feel so wonderful against his own and the longing to feel them over and over again is rapidly growing by the second.

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