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Heavy breathing, your eyes on me
And your lips rinding all over my skin
Time is steady still
I'm losing track, I'm dizzy, so amazing



"Oh my God! You guys suck!"

Yeosang rolls his eyes back so far they might get stuck, when Hyunjin is screaming at him and Felix once again. The guys are at the beach, and Hyunjin has found an abandoned beach ball in the sand, which he's now using to teach the others a game. A game that makes no sense.

"It's your stupid game that sucks!" Felix shouts back, stumbling around in the sand, as his steps get uncoordinated by his frustrated arm gestures.

While Hyunjin and Felix are busy flipping each other off several times, Yeosang peeks over his shoulder to look at San who's resting in the shadows. It's late in the afternoon, but it's still dreadfully hot outside.

San has pushed his sunglasses up in his hair, laughing so hard at the commotion his friends are causing that the hammock he's lying in is swaying from side to side.

Looking at him, being as gorgeous as ever, Yeosang has to turn around to hide the smile that he can't hold back. If the sun hadn't already heated up his sweating face, his cheeks would give him away as well.

The tension between him and San has disappeared completely since the surprising event, which happened between them earlier that day, and Yeosang is finally starting to enjoy this vacation.

There's only one bothersome thing left.

"What is it that you don't get?" Hyunjin shouts, kicking the sand around, "I've explained the rules a million times already!"

"But you keep changing the fucking rules, all the fucking time!" Felix scoffs, dumping down to sit on his butt, arms crossed like a dissatisfied child.

"It's not my fault you're such a moron!" it instantly comes from Hyunjin.

"And this is why we don't play Overwatch together anymore! You're such a jackass when it comes to games!" Felix grumbles back.

"No, we stopped because you can't play for shit, and also because you flicked me in the face that one time!"

"I only did that because you pulled the chord out, and threw your mouse at me! You're always overreacting!"

With slow steps, Yeosang sneaks away from the discussion - letting Hyunjin and Felix have a go at each other in "peace". Hyunjin is usually the most mature, calm and pleasant person of their friend group, but when it comes to games and gaming Yeosang has learned he's a complete monster.

"God, these two..." San mumbles from the hammock, as Yeosang sits down on the sand next to him.

Yeosang nods with a small hum, letting his body cool down in the shade - or, as much as is possible with San right next to him at least. San suddenly leans over the edge of the hammock, gently brushing some sand away from Yeosang's cheek.

"W-wha-" Yeosang stutters, surprised by the sudden soft touch.

"You had some sand on your face," San replies, before lying back down.

"Oh... Thanks..."

There's something different about San, but Yeosang can't quite pin-point what it is. But it is in the way he looks at Yeosang, the way his voice has changed whenever he has said his name throughout the day.

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