17⋆One more time

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A/N: A tiny little [M] in this chapter.


Late night sex
Smoking cigarettes
I try real hard, but I can't forget
Now in a heartbeat,
I would do it all again



Yeosang is tapping his fingers against his desk, his eyes focused on the rain which has been pouring down all day. He should be focusing on reading the ten pages for classes tomorrow though, but he can't keep his eyes on those tiny letters for long.

Last night was the first time he had seen San after their night together, and seeing him was way more difficult than Yeosang had imagined it would be. Being in the same room had been so frustrating and stressful, and he knows that he probably shouldn't have snapped at the older the way he did but he couldn't help it.

It's not that Yeosang only just regrets what happened between them.

He really, truly regrets it.

With a loud, aggravated groan he leans back in the chair, covering his face with his hands. The feeling of San has been haunting him every day for the past two weeks. Yeosang had hoped that starting classes again, and in a new place even, would help distract him – but boy, was he wrong.

The embarrassment is close to driving him insane, and when the flashbacks keep rolling before his eyes he isn't sure whether to cry or scream at this point. The way it had felt to kiss San's lips, to feel his touch and how Yeosang had given in completely, begging him for more.

Hugging his own body, Yeosang stares blankly out the window with a weary pout on his face. He has never had sex like this before; so heated and wild, but with someone he isn't in love with. It shouldn't have felt that good, it really shouldn't. But it did, and he hates that.

He hates how his body heats up every time he thinks of it. How he can't fall asleep because of his heart racing by the thought of San on top of him. He hates how he still wants more, to be kissed again, touched and have lascivious words whispered in his ear.

But worst of all is the thought of how he only wants just that and nothing else. No feelings, just sex. With San.

A loud knock on the door is pulling him out of his thoughts, and with absolutely no clue who it could be he walks over to open it. His Sunday attire is nothing special, and his hair is all messy from the endless amount of times he has been tugging it in frustration.

"W-what are you doing here?" Yeosang instantly regrets opening the door, when he sees San on the other side.

"We need to talk." San practically shoves Yeosang aside to enter the apartment, and leaves no time for Yeosang to even make a protest.

"What do you want to talk about then?" Yeosang asks, trying to sound as careless as possible.

It had been easy for him yesterday, since he was prepared to face San at work. But now, he is too surprised to act as cool as he would like to. Hesitantly, he passes by San to walk over and lean against the desk by the window.

"Is it bothering you what we did?" San asks, cutting right to the chase, "because I'm sorry, but I definitely got the impression that you liked it too!"

"I-I did..." the confession rolls over Yeosang's lips while he eyes are glued to the floor. "But... I'm not like you, okay?"

"What do you mean?"

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