24⋆Heart awakened

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You keep me alive
On the edge of tonight
Chasing tomorrow
With fire in my eyes



San drags Yeosang towards the bar, his own eyes wandering across the event hall on the way. Everyone around him seems like a completely different species; the way they walk, talk, dress – everything. San has never felt more out of place in his life, but he will do whatever it takes to hide the fact that he doesn't fit in at all – to keep up the act of him being, not only worthy to be here but also the chosen one of Yeosang's heart.

"Hi, can I order two Sazeracs, please?" San asks the bartender, deliberately going for something strong to calm both his and Yeosang's nerves.

Yeosang is standing next to him at the bar, anxiously tapping his fingertips against the counter, while scanning the room with an almost terrified look on his face. He keeps trying to blow a lock of hair away from his face, and every time it fails he makes a quick frown but nothing else than that. His nervous behavior is soon starting to rub off on San as well.

"Here," San says, handing the younger a drink, "you need this. We both do, I guess."

"Thanks..." the word is barely verbal, as Yeosang takes the glass and downs half of it in one go.

"Okay, I know I said we need to get you drunk. But, you've got to slow down a bit," San chuckles, remembering how much of a lightweight Yeosang is when it comes to alcohol.

Yeosang just glares at him over the edge of the cocktail glass, but he reluctantly puts it down again. San looks at him, with a smile growing on his face. Yeosang looks too good to be true tonight, and San regrets not having complimented him earlier. But as he opens mouth, to tell Yeosang just how amazing he looks, the younger's face changes drastically. His eyes are staring at something behind San, who already knows what's happening.

With a deep inhalation, San turns to look behind him.

Everything happens as in slow-motion, when this tall, slender figure is coming towards them – it might just be in San's head, but he swears that the crowd divides around the guy, as if he was pure royalty. San recognizes him right away, even though he's only seen that one photo on Yeosang's phone.

Lee Taeyong. And he looks even more perfect in real life.

"Yeosang. I'm so happy to see you," Taeyong says, speaking in what might be the most upper-class, face-punch-inviting voice San has ever heard, and he cringes by the very sound of it.

The second Taeyong leans in and embraces Yeosang in a hug, an intense feeling of rage rushes through San, and his hands are itching from wanting to just grab Yeosang and drag him away. When Taeyong lets go again, Yeosang is left standing, pale as a ghost and with lips parted as if he wants to speak – but no words are coming out.

"Hi, I'm Choi San, and you are?" San cuts in, stepping in between Yeosang and Taeyong, which makes the latter look at him in surprise.

"I'm Lee Taeyong." Taeyong's voice remains polite, as he turns to look at San, but the look in his eyes is cold as ice. 

"Oh. Nice to meet you," San says, with a sugar sweet smile that almost hurts his face, "and how do you know my wonderful boyfriend?"

An evanescent frown runs across Taeyong's perfect face, as the word "boyfriend" lingers in the air between them. He side-eyes Yeosang before looking at San again.

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