29⋆Tropical madness

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Switching into airplane mode again
We're not alright, but I'll pretend
Press my cheek against the glass
Just be good 'til I get back



Yeosang keeps staring at his phone, which is lying next to him on the bed. The screen is black, but his fingers are itching to unlock it, and he struggles to hold back from doing so. Instead he tosses and turns in the bed, his body restless and his mind chaotic.

The others are still out somewhere, probably moved onto clubbing or something by now, but Yeosang had felt too upset to stay out. On one hand he isn't too proud of his behavior tonight - yelling at San like that, but on the other he doesn't regret it at all. San did say some pretty mean things as well, so why should Yeosang be the first one to apologize.

Or maybe he should? What happened tonight wasn't entirely San's fault. There's been something on Yeosang's mind ever since they checked in, something which is nagging him to the point where he's about to go insane - making him jumpy and way easier to piss off than usual.

When they had arrived to the bungalow, and went to their separate rooms to dress up for dinner, Yeosang had called Taeyong to tell him they had made it to Hawaii without any problems. Well, there's of course the San-problem, but Yeosang knew he shouldn't even mention San being there as well.

Yeosang had felt his heart stop, when a smooth male voice were flowing through his ears, as the call was answered. The voice wasn't Taeyong's, it was someone else's - a stranger who had introduced himself as Ten, Taeyong's "assistant".

But, there had been a certain hesitation in Ten's voice, which Yeosang quickly had noticed - and it had made him feel uneasy right away.

He had pulled out his, more or less advanced, stalking skills and went onto all of Taeyong's social media accounts to find clues on who this guy could be. And just as Felix had called from the living room that it was time to leave, Yeosang found something he deeply wished he hadn't.

Ten was apparently a very beautiful guy, which made Yeosang feel even more nervous, but one particular photo of him had made Yeosang see red. In that photo, this stranger, was wearing a shirt that Yeosang had had custom made for Taeyong, for his birthday when they were dating.

Yeosang remembers, and he knows how this shirt is one of a kind - with the golden T on the pocket to the left, which Yeosang had spent hours trying to sketch out just right.

This had led to instant overthinking, of course, and overthinking mixed with alcohol is a dangerous combination.

Top that off with San being more annoying than ever, speaking words that had hit Yeosang like several bullets to the heart.

"... your delusional idea that he actually loves you."

Yeosang sucks his lower lip in between his teeth, lightly chewing it while staring at the ceiling. He hasn't claimed that Taeyong loves him, this time around, he isn't even sure if he feels that way himself yet. They have yet to label whatever is going on between them as well, but Yeosang had felt no rush in doing so - and he has to admit that he's only used the term "boyfriend" to piss San off.

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