27⋆Lie to me

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And I know that you don't
But if I ask you if you love me
I hope you li-li-li-lie
Lie to me



Yeosang hears the door slamming, through the walls to the bathroom, and while he does wonder what is going on – he assumes Taeyong has everything under control.

His body is sore and drained from his long day yesterday, and Taeyong finding him too irresistible despite being all gross and sweaty from work last night. Yeosang closes his eyes and lets his thoughts roam freely, while the warm water from the showerhead is consuming him.

Last night took a very unexpected turn, and his emotions have been all over the place. Seeing San again had hurt way more than he had hoped for, but seeing him kiss someone else like that had killed the last small spark inside of Yeosang's heart.

It was foolish of him to ever even dare to believe San could have feelings for him. At this point Yeosang doubts that they are even friends anymore. The look San had sent him, is still fresh in Yeosang's memory – and it hurts to think about.

"Was somebody at the door?" Yeosang asks, rubbing his wet hair with a towel, as he returns to Taeyong sitting on the bed.

"Yeah, it was just some door to door salesman," Taeyong replies, scrolling through his mails on his tablet.

"This early in the morning?"

"Yes. That's why I told him to fuck off." Taeyong shrugs his shoulders, eyes focused on the tablet, and Yeosang decides not to ask more questions - although it seems a little strange. Instead he just sits down on the bed as well, watching Taeyong in silence.

Yeosang should feel happy. He is finally back with Taeyong, just as he had wanted to be for so long. Taeyong is the love of his life, and they've both grown since they broke up last year. And they must have been given a second chance for a reason. Right?

Taeyong chews his lower lip while tapping his fingers against the screen in rapid speed, responding to an endless stream of work mails, and Yeosang smiles a little - remembering how he used to watch Taeyong like this back in London. They would be sitting in the couch together, drinking wine while Taeyong was working, and Yeosang was reading. Yeosang used to love those cosy evenings, even though they didn't talk much he just enjoyed them spending time together.

"Tae?" Yeosang says softly, and Taeyong looks up at him - the blond hair falling over his eyes, since no products have touched it since Taeyong showered earlier this morning.


Instead of answering, Yeosang moves over to sit over Taeyong's lap, and the tablet has soon been left alone on the floor. The amazing softness of Taeyong's lips against his own is making Yeosang hum, as their kiss gradually deepens.

Yeosang lets his hand stroke down Taeyong's exposed chest, underneath the open shirt, where the marks from the night are still painted across his skin.

Taeyong has soon flipped Yeosang over to lie with his back against the mattress, and with himself on top. The sweet scent and taste of him, is filling Yeosang's lungs and embracing his tongue, and he slowly starts to forget about all his worries. But his ignorant bliss is evanescent.

"What time is it? I have a phone meeting at 5PM, New York time," Taeyong mumbles against Yeosang's lips.

Yeosang pouts when Taeyong pulls away, but that pout soon turns into a wince. Taeyong has leaned over to check the time on Yeosang's phone which is on the night stand.

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