25⋆Illusion of us [M]

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I've traded
A moment's bliss
For the price of
Our happiness



Yeosang has sat down in one of the big leather chairs in the lobby, and he nervously rubs his hands against each other while staring at the door. Everything seems to be spinning around him, and he curses himself for having been drinking past his limit again. But it's too late to change that now.

While turning his head to look at the receptionists working so focused, on the computers at the front desk, it is like reality suddenly hits him. What is he doing? Why did he agree to go talk with Taeyong? What good could ever come out of them being alone again? And most importantly; will he be able to control himself? 

He's missed Taeyong so terribly much every day since their breakup, and seeing him tonight has been nothing less than overwhelming in every way. It surely had helped to have San by his side, but when Taeyong had brought Joy over, Yeosang's heart had been torn apart all over again. But how come Taeyong suddenly wanted to talk to him alone? Yeosang chews his lower lip while the thoughts are stumbling over each other inside his mind. But he isn't left alone with his thoughts for long...


Yeosang turns in his seat, his eyes instantly captured by the one he used to love so much, and his heart skips a beat.

"Let's go?" Taeyong smiles softly, and Yeosang nods while getting up.

When Taeyong turns around to lead the way, Yeosang quickly runs a hand through his hair, making sure he looks as good as possible. But as his hand falls to his side again, he can't help but wonder why he even worries about such a thing.

As they walk side by side, Yeosang keeps peeking at Taeyong, but neither of them are saying anything. Taeyong still looks just as amazing as Yeosang remembered him, maybe even better. The blonde hair pushed back, the way it used to be, and the black suit fitting him perfectly as it probably was made just for him.

"You want to talk... Here?" Yeosang asks, skeptically looking around the private spa area he has been taken to.

"Yes?" Taeyong looks at him over the shoulder, "I had a really long flight, and I need to relax. Come, join me."

Yeosang watches in awe as Taeyong starts taking his clothes off right away, revealing the skin that Yeosang has been longing to feel against his own.

"Don't be shy, we've seen each other naked before," Taeyong laughs, slipping out of his underwear and getting into the hot tub.

Heat rises in Yeosang's cheeks, turning his face red and he has to look away to prevent himself from staring. Taeyong definitely still looks good, all of him. With his back turned towards his God-like ex, Yeosang starts undressing as well. He takes his time, neatly folding his clothes together, before putting it down onto the spa bed next to him, but he keeps his boxers on, unlike someone else in this room.

The water is burning hot when he steps down the stairs, and he makes sure to sit down in the corner opposite of Taeyong.

"So... What do you want to talk about?" Yeosang asks, running his fingers across the edge of the bubbling water.

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