44⋆Midnight rain

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There's things I wanna say to you
But I'll just let you live
Like if you hold me without hurting me
You'll be the first who ever did



While everything around slowly fades away, the people, the music, everything - Yeosang feels how his palms start to sweat from anxiousness, as only silence is coming from San.

"So?" he finally dares to ask.

"Yeosang..." San's eyes have fallen to look at the floor, and the touch of his hands behind Yeosang's neck suddenly feels so distant. "You're already quite tipsy... Can we talk about this tomorrow?"

With the response being far from what Yeosang had wanted, he feels his heart drop in his chest, but he fights to keep the smile on his face. Persistently, although it hurts. The look in the older's eyes is hard to read, as he still stares blankly at their feet.

"Of course... No problem." But the small nod, which Yeosang adds at the end of his words, feels like the greatest lie.

When San looks up, his face lights up in a bright smile and he playfully ruffles Yeosang's hair around. The need for an answer is kept quiet, as Yeosang swallows all the words he wants to speak so badly - but he knows now that this isn't the time.

"Hey guys, having fun?" Felix suddenly shouts next to them.

His freckled cheeks are flushed from the alcohol, and he is carrying a huge inflatable flamingo in his arms.

"Yes, it's a great party," San smiles, although briefly frowning at the plastic animal that's having it's neck squeezed in the arms of the blonde.

"Thank you! I must say, I did quite well this year. Don't know how to top this!" Felix laughs. His eyes suddenly catch something behind Yeosang, and his brows furrows as Hyunjin comes closer.  "Oh God, now what? If you're back to complain about your outfit again, just go away."

"Nope, nothing to complain about," Hyunjin grins - his naked upper body covered in lipstick marks. "Don't wait up for me tonight, guys!"

As Yeosang watches the three others laughing and having a good time, he starts to regret asking San to move away with him. San would end up knowing no one besides Yeosang - leaving his family would most likely be no problem, but leaving his friends... And his work too. San has sounded so excited and passionate for his job at the bookstore, and his boss, Yunho, sounds like such a nice guy.

Yeosang excuses himself to the bar, leaning against the counter while waiting to order. Maybe he can just say he didn't mean it, he was drunk when asking and it just came out without him thinking about it...

"So you and Choi, huh?" Seonghwa says, suddenly standing next to Yeosang. "Really didn't think that would happen..."

"Me neither..." Yeosang mumbles, tapping his fingers against the counter. The very same counter he had his first shift behind, with both San and Seonghwa. "And to believe it all started here..."

Seonghwa chuckles, taking a sip of his own drink. The older was always so nice to Yeosang, making it hard to understand why him and San hated each other so much. Maybe it was just their similar, sometimes arrogant and obnoxious personality that clashed.

"Are you planning on moving back to Korea then?"

"Oh I-... I don't know..." Yeosang says, shrugging his shoulders - forcing a smile to cover up for the fact that he might have fucked up already.

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