30⋆Beautiful mess [M]

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If these walls could talk,
I'd hope they wouldn't say anything
Because they've seen way too many things
'Cause we'd fall from grace, we're falling
Yeah, we'd fall from grace



The grip around San's shirt collar tightens, as Yeosang's rough words leave his soft lips, and San has to swallow the surprised gasp that tries to leave his own. Yeosang has pushed him against the wall, and his sudden dominating behavior is lighting a spark San hasn't felt before.

"Why don't you fucking try, pretty boy?" San scoffs, intrigued by Yeosang's words, and the derisive tone he lets out ignites raging flames in Yeosang's eyes.

The tension between them is higher than ever, and there's something so unexplainably arousing about seeing Yeosang like this. San's eyes fall to the younger's lips, and suddenly he seems to have forgotten the resentment he had felt towards him only minutes ago.

Silence has forced itself in between them, while San waits for Yeosang to react. He might have lost his mind completely, but all he wants is for Yeosang to make actions of his words.

"Is that all you've got?" San then whispers seductively, his lips brushing lightly against Yeosang's, and he realizes how much he's missed the taste of them.

And Yeosang finally reacts - the grip around San's collar releases and one hand dives into his dark hair instead, holding it in a closed fist. A small gasp tickles San's lower lip, from the surprise of Yeosang's other hand promptly grabbing him between the legs. Hard.

When Yeosang wraps his fingers around San's clothed erection, and starts pumping it slowly, San can't hold the first moan back any longer. He has missed Yeosang touching him so much, and to finally feel it again, is like a dream.

"You need to learn when to shut up," Yeosang breathes heavily against his face. "Such a pretty face, but such a goddamn filthy mouth."

San is just about to make a mocking remark, saying it's rich coming from someone like Yeosang, who he's never heard say anything remotely close to the words, which are currently leaving his mouth. But San isn't given the chance to say anything, before Yeosang aggressively attacks his lips with his own.

Yeosang shoves his tongue into San's mouth, catching the other's tongue, dominating it in a way San has never experienced before - and in a way he never would've thought would turn him on as much as it does.

A wet trail is following Yeosang's lips, as they venture down to San's neck. But kissing isn't what the younger has in mind.

"Ah, fuck!" San exclaims, earning a hard tug in his hair, when Yeosang bites him on the side of his neck. The teeth are digging deep into his skin, and pain is streaming through his neck and into every part of his body.

While he does enjoy this new side of Yeosang, San soon feels how his body is craving to be the one in charge. He wraps his fingers around Yeosang's neck, pulling him away and forcing him to unclench his teeth.

"So? Are you going to fuck me, or not?" San taunts, running his tongue across Yeosang's lower lip. "I'm waiting, my prince."

The fire in Yeosang's eyes light up again, as he finally lets go of San's hair, the roots screaming from the pain, and his impatient hands rip San's shirt off – buttons flying everywhere.

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