6⋆Souls intertwined

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I can bear it in some way
I can stand it in some way
You should be happy if you are like this
Day by day it fades away



How Yeosang has ended up getting this intoxicated is a question he can't even answer himself. Normally he isn't that much of a drinker, but perhaps it just happened in attempt to calm down his nerves. He isn't much of a party person in general either, and being surrounded by so many people, so many strangers sure had made him feel a little uncomfortable.

And despite the fact that everyone has been nice to him, he can't help but miss his friends back home. But worst of all, he misses him more than anything right now. New Year's Eve was always something so special, it was that one night he always knew that they would be together no matter how busy their schedules was.

Back then, dressing up in fancy clothes felt like going on an adventure, the fireworks seemed more vibrant and nothing felt better than kissing each other at midnight, promising the new year would be even better than the previous one – because they were together.

But they made a lot of promises, and all of them ended up being broken. Still, Yeosang can't help but wonder what he is doing tonight, if he is thinking about Yeosang as well. If he ever misses Yeosang too.

Yeosang has done his best to small talk with people tonight, to have fun and get to know some new people. But as the intoxication slowly took over, and his brain couldn't shut out the stupid thoughts anymore, he suddenly felt out of control of his own body.

Now, he seemingly has forgotten everything his mother has taught him; always smile, be polite and keep your posture straight. Instead he is just slouching on a chair, with his arms hanging down the sides and a blank look on his face while numbness is starting to take over him. His eyes are staring emptily at nothing in particular as everything around him is just a big blur.

Yeosang doesn't react the first time a hand shakes his shoulder, nor does he move at all.

"Are you... Okay?" San suddenly squats down in front of him, looking up from under his dark hair. His question is clearly very forced, which makes Yeosang wonder why he's even asking it in the first place.

"I'm, fine..." Yeosang mumbles, his lips barely moving when he speaks.

Even in this state he knows that San doesn't give two shits about him, so why doesn't he just stay away and leave Yeosang alone?

"Aren't you too old to get teenage-wasted like this?" As San gets up from the floor, he grabs Yeosang by the arms and pulls him up as well. "Come, you need to get some of that shit out of your body."

Yeosang doesn't complain when he is being dragged towards the bathroom, he is simply too exhausted to do so. On the way he hears San let out a couple of complains about Yeosang being way heavier than expected, but Yeosang finds himself completely unable to respond at all.

"I'm... Fine... Just go away," Yeosang finally manages to says as his body drops down on the cold bathroom floor. He rubs his hands around in his face, but still can't feel anything at all.

"You need to puke, you'll feel better."

"You need to fuck off, then I'll feel better," Yeosang rolls his eyes, not even aware of how rude he sounds.

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