16⋆Better with you

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I want more, something beautiful
Someone that I can count on and knows
When it rains, it pours
Feels like I'm on my own



The springs inside the old couch in San's living room creaks as he dumps his body onto it. Restlessly, he has wandered around the city all day with no clue about where he was going or what he wanted to do. He had left Yeosang's apartment earlier that day, his body heavy and exhausted from the heated night they had shared. But his mind a complete mess.

Now sitting back home, all alone, he just stares at the ceiling while lighting up a cigarette. While the smoke is filling out his lunges, the thoughts are going crazy inside his head and no matter how he tries to sit or lie he just can't seem to relax.

The taste of Yeosang's lips is still lingering on his own, and his fingertips are still remembering the touch of the younger's skin. And God, it had felt amazing to feel Yeosang's body against his own. To hear him gasp for air while San's name was leaving the soft lips over and over. To feel his nails digging into San's skin, leaving long, red marks all the way down his back. And to watch the way he would roll his eyes back and bite his lip as he climaxed for the third time that night.

Sure, San has had a lot of sex before but nothing can compare to what he had experienced with Yeosang.

While pouring himself a large glass of Whiskey, San tries to tell himself it's only because it was his first time sleeping with a guy. Despite him having tried pretty much anything else, sexually, he rarely thinks much about his one-night stands as soon as they are done, but this one surely seems to have made quite the impression.

San holds the glass of liquor against his lips, slowly sipping from it. The Whiskey runs down his throat, leaving a trail of an itching warmth behind. With a long sigh he runs his fingers through his hair, ruffling it around before letting it fall back over his eyes.

"Calm down, Choi," he mumbles to himself, "it's just sex. It doesn't mean anything."

Almost two weeks have soon passed by since San and Yeosang slept together, and San has felt like he was about to go insane ever since. While Yeosang has been absent from work since his classes have begun, San has been left with an uneasy feeling he can't escape nor explain.

Unintentionally, he has begun to show up for work early every day since, his heart racing each time he was about to walk through the door to the staff room. Every night he has felt disappointed to see that Yeosang wasn't working that night either.

But tonight is different. When he opens the door he sees Yeosang and Felix chatting away in the changing room, sitting in front of the big mirror fixing their hair. San takes a deep breath while walking towards them, questioning why Yeosang's presence is affecting him so much. He has already slept with more than half of the girls working at the club, so why would it make any difference just because Yeosang is a guy?

"San? Are you alright, man? Haven't seen you being on time this many times in a row before!" Felix laughs as he sees San come in.

"Shut up, Felix!" San rolls his eyes while throwing his coat on a chair, and Felix returns his warm greeting flipping San off with a grin.

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