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Oh, I'm in pieces
It's tearing me up, but I know
A heart that's broke
Is a heart that's been loved



"No? What do you mean, no?" San asks, glaring at Yeosang while crossing his arms in front of his chest. The late night wind is catching his hair, revealing the dark eyes underneath, and his face illuminates in the glow from the lampposts.

"I think it's pretty self explanatory, no?" Yeosang replies with a small shrug, not going to let San's beauty affect him this time.

Although it is hard for him to look away, Yeosang has to tell himself that he shouldn't waste his time on a fuckboy like San. If he wants to achieve his hopes and dreams of finding the one, he'll have to start searching for him and not just fool around with some random, hot guy. No matter how hot he is.

"Stop saying that word!" San blurts out, clearly upset, and Yeosang finds himself fairly entertained, seeing someone like San sweat like this.

"Why is it such a big problem?" Yeosang can't hold the chuckle, which is tickling inside his throat, back any longer. His amusement only seems to infuriate San even more.

"Why is it such a big problem, for you to just say yes?" the older asks with a huff.

Yeosang blinks a few times, looking into San's eyes while wondering just why this seems to annoy him so much. Silence sneaks in between them on the sidewalk, and Yeosang isn't sure what to say next.

The entire situation really confuses him, San surely isn't used to be rejected. And although it'd be the easiest solution for Yeosang, to just bring San as his date – and show him off in front of Taeyong – it wouldn't be fair to anyone, and especially not himself.

With the wedding just around the corner as well, Yeosang wants to find someone he can see an actual future with, someone he can fall in love with.

And it is not Choi San.

"My cab is here. I'll see you?" Yeosang says, with a relieved sigh leaving his lips at the same time, as the orange cab rolls up to the side of the road.

But just as he's about to get in on the backseat, San walks over and practically shoves him through the door before getting in as well.

"No, no, hold on!" San complains, scooting his butt across the leather seat to make Yeosang move over.

"What are you doing?" Yeosang whines, as he is pushed against the opposite car door.

The cab driver looks over his shoulder at the two, with furrowed brows behind his big framed glasses, but he doesn't say anything. Yeosang sends him an apologetic smile, before giving him the address.

"Why did you just say no like that?" San continues his nagging as the cab starts driving.

"Why do you even want to go with me?

He isn't happy to admit it, but Yeosang is slowly starting to play with the idea of just bringing San as his date. Mostly to make him shut up, but it would also be the easiest solution after all, and he doesn't have much time left to find a real date. No one needs to know it's all pretend, right?

"Am I not good enough for fake-dating you, or what?"

Yeosang ignores the offended look on San's face, yanking his phone out from his pocket to carelessly scroll through his Instagram feed.

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