42⋆Dreamcatcher [M]

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No one take you down
It is our promise
No one take you down
Don't worry, I'll be there
Shining like a star



The music flows through the speakers of the radio, just like the evening breeze through the open car windows in the cab. With his head resting against the top of the backseat, San's eyes are locked onto Yeosang sitting next to him - the wind taking the brown hair for a twirl, and San smiles to himself at the beautiful sight.

Yeosang is humming along to the song on the radio, tilting his head a little from side to side, before turning his head just slightly, to look at San. Their eyes meet, and San almost feels shy when it happens.

"What?" Yeosang chuckles, taking San's hand in his own.

"Nothing," San smiles, letting his fingers be intertwined. Even a touch so soft, is making his heart pound in his chest, and his body heat up. Yeosang is his boyfriend, they are finally together, and the missing puzzle piece to his heart has been found.

He had barely gotten over the surprise of Wendy taking her time to fly to Korea, just to talk to him, before he found himself on a plane to London. Everything had felt like a dream, but one he hoped he'd never wake up from. He knew very well by then that Yeosang was, and always will be, the love of his life, and he would do everything to get him back.

The drive to the beach house Yeosang is staying at for the weekend, is only about thirty minutes long, but when you're as impatient as San is right now, it feels like hours. The landscape outside is breathtaking, but in San's eyes not even the view of the sun setting over the ocean, can compare to Yeosang smiling at him.

When they have arrived, they walk hand in hand to the door, but just as Yeosang is about to find the key, San grabs him by the wrists, pinning him against the door in the same move as he presses his lips onto the younger's.

Yeosang whimpers in surprise, but gives in right away, parting his lips for San's tongue to meet his own. San can't stop smiling into their kiss, his entire body almost trembling from the overwhelming joy of finally being with Yeosang again, and both of their weekend bags dump onto the porch.

The low moans that move into San's mouth with the touch of Yeosang's tongue, are making his mind go crazy. Yeosang has wrapped his arms around San's neck, pulling him even closer - their bodies moving against each other, slowly, telling through their shared body language what they both are longing for.

Being together in bed, after so long, is making San feel nervous like never before - his hands shaking while they stroke up and down Yeosang's soft skin, every part and every curve, nothing will be left untouched. Down his side, around his hips and in between his thighs where San gives him a little squeeze, making the younger gasp quietly.

Both are lying on the side, San behind - nuzzling his face against the back of Yeosang's neck, kissing it softly and taking in all the amazing sounds that are caused by his touch. Carefully, he starts to push himself deeper inside, and Yeosang's moans slowly gets louder.

"I've missed this, so fucking much," San whispers, placing wet kisses all over Yeosang's nape. "But I... Forgot how tight you are..."

With his hand placed on Yeosang's hip, he starts to move a bit faster, the increased speed resulting in a stream of pleased moans rolling over Yeosang's lips, and his body starting to move with San's.

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