13⋆The one that got away

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So maybe i'm a masochist
I try to run but I don't wanna ever leave
'Till the walls are going up
In smoke with all our memories



The tears are welling up in Yeosang's eyes as he once again loses the battle against his own self-control. The phone is lighting up in his shaking hands while his eyes are reading through the captions underneath the photos of the perfect life he could've had.

Or somehow, could have had. The words that Taeyong used to say to him, only when they were alone, are now spread out on the internet for the whole world to see.

"I'm going to marry you someday," Taeyong whispered in Yeosang's ear as they lied all cuddled up in bed.

"And how are you planning on making that happen, with that family of yours?" Yeosang laughed, at that time not aware of just how much of an issue this would turn out to be.

"I don't care. I'll figure it out. I'll make you the happiest person in the entire world. I love you, Yeosang!" Taeyong intertwined his fingers with Yeosang's as he leaned down to kiss him. "I'll love you forever."

Looking into Taeyong's beautiful eyes, Yeosang felt no worries in the world. Sure, it had been hard being forced to keep their relationship a secret, but Yeosang didn't want to rush Taeyong. Not everyone grew up in such an understanding and supportive family as Yeosang had been blessed with.

"And I'll love you forever too," Yeosang smiled against Taeyong's lips.

"One day, Sangie, one day I promise you we'll be able to tell it to the world. One day everyone will know how lucky I am that you are mine." Taeyong's words made butterflies fly around in Yeosang's stomach.

Even though they'd been together for more than a year already, Yeosang still felt just as in love as when they first started dating. Right in that moment he couldn't imagine a life without Taeyong in it, without Taeyong lying next to him and telling him he will love him forever and ever.



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I'll love you forever, my beautiful wife!
Still can't believe how lucky I am to say that you are mine💞

The stream of photos seems so endless, but Yeosang has looked at them so many times now he has memorized almost every caption. Looking at these pictures the marriage wouldn't seem fake to anyone, and most definitely not to Yeosang. From the couple's trips to Paris, posing in front of the Eiffel Tower and being so #relationshipgoals-like that Yeosang feels like throwing up in his mouth, to the many photos of the happy couple kissing and holding hands in public. All those things that Yeosang never was allowed to do or share.

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