3⋆Starry eyes

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I am breathless until the end
I run alone in the deep ocean
That swallowed the stars



"What is so important that you had to call me in two hours before work? If you want to fire me, just text me. At least I could've stayed at home then!"

San is too busy complaining his ass off from the second he walks through the door that he doesn't even look at Hongjoong who's been waiting for him. As always he carelessly throws his coat on a random chair and goes directly to look at himself in the mirror.

His eyes are red and tired as always, but thank God it's so dark at work that no one really notices. He lets his hands run through his dark hair and down his defined cheekbones, while wondering how someone with a face like this hasn't been able to accomplish more with his life yet.

"San." The tone coming from Hongjoong is far from impressed by San's arrival, but there's nothing new to that.

What was supposed to be a quick side-eyeing glare turns into a long stare instead, as San finally notices a stranger standing next to his boss.

"San, I'd like you to meet your new co-worker," Hongjoong introduces the new guy.

"Hello, I'm Kang Yeosang. Nice to meet you," a rather deep, but gentle voice slips through the lips of the younger man.

Yeosang just stands there, so casually but still looking like a freaking super model. The brown hair is falling over his face in soft curls, his jawline is sharp but he still has a certain cute look to him. But the most noticeable thing about him is his eyes. The most beautiful brown eyes, sending the most intense, soul piercing stare San's way.

"San," San replies with a quick shrug with his shoulders, pretending not to be bothered by the unexplainable shivers that are running down his spine when their eyes meet.

"So, San. You are going to be responsible for Yeosang during the first couple of weeks here," Hongjoong says, and it is not physically possible for San to roll his eyes any harder.

"What? Why me?" San whines, throwing his arms upwards.

"Because you need to learn how to take some responsibility around here." Hongjoong crosses his arms, his most used posture when talking to San.

"But... But I already have the Instagram thing!"

"And we all know how well that is going, right? Anyway. You can complain all you want. It's decided and I've already matches his schedule to yours, so stop acting like such an asshole and be nice to your new colleague."

Ten minutes later San is standing behind one of the bars with this new Yeosang guy next to him. In his mind San is cursing Hongjoong to hell and back for setting him up to this. He absolutely hates having to deal with newbies.

Why can't he just be left alone and do his thing in peace?

"So, for an Old Fashioned you need to use sugar, rum and-" San is speaking fast and unenthusiastically, not even looking at Yeosang for one second, just wanting this to be over with already.

"I know how to make an Old Fashioned," Yeosang suddenly cuts in, "actually, I know how to make pretty much any cocktail. So you don't have to waste your, apparently, precious time on showing me that. San."

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