11⋆When it all falls apart

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Maybe we'll be together again
In another life




The sunlight is peeking in through the thin lace curtains, lighting up the neatly cleaned and beautifully decorated living room. Fresh flowers on the table, chandeliers hanging above it, beautiful artwork on the walls; everything looks just as perfect as a page from a décor-magazine.

Yeosang is humming along to a song on the radio while looking through the photos he's spread across the dining table, sorting them out before putting them into photo albums. In front of him lies three years' worth of memories of his life with Taeyong, and he looks through them with a smile on his lips.

A particular photo makes him smile even wider. The one they took together in Venice, the same photo that Yeosang has used as his lock screen on his phone ever since. It's been years since this photo was taken, but Yeosang remembers that day clearer than anything else.

It was the day Taeyong told him he loved him for the very first time.

But the smile on Yeosang's face slowly starts to fade when he thinks about how long it's been since he and Taeyong have had any quality time together. Yeosang has tried to keep himself busy for the last one and a half year, with studies and even a bartender job in hopes that it would distract him from feeling lonely when Taeyong sometimes is out of town for several days in a row due to work.

Yeosang has never said it out loud, but when he's home alone, missing Taeyong so endlessly much, he sometimes wonders if it's even worth it anymore. But when Taeyong comes home, Yeosang forgets it all and falls even deeper in love every time.

He checks the time on his phone and gets up from his seat. Taeyong will be home from a business trip in a few hours and Yeosang wants to make sure that everything is perfect for is return.

Yeosang sighs heavily when he walks into the bedroom. Taeyong's suitcases are still standing right where he left them weeks ago. He hasn't been home much, too busy with work, meetings and big events – things in his life that Yeosang never has been a part of. Never has been allowed to be a part of, because of Taeyong's family. Despite the fact that Taeyong always has been a busy man, Yeosang had hoped he'd at least get to see him a bit more when they moved in together.

But that didn't happen, and lately Taeyong has seemed to be even busier, and he rarely even texts or calls at all.

Yeosang walks back and forth in front of the suitcases before finally deciding on opening them. He unfolds Taeyong's clothes and starts putting it on hangers. It really makes no sense to have a closet as big as they have, if the clothes are just going lie squeezed together in suitcases.

When he pulls out yet another shirt, a small light blue box falls out and lands on the floor.

Tiffany & Co.

His eyes widen up and he just stares at the box. It can't be, can it? Carefully he picks it up and opens it. The most beautiful ring is hidden inside and as soon as the light hits it, it sparkles brighter than the sun.

While staring at the ring in awe, Yeosang feels his heart skip a beat, or maybe even two. Is Taeyong really going to propose to him? Could this be the reason he's been so distant lately, because he is nervous?

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