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Sometimes, they say
This should feel something like fire
'Til it burns you and you can't
No, you can't remain the same



Yeosang keeps rubbing his hands against his jeans as he makes his way back from the bathroom, but no matter how hard he tries - his hands remains feeling kind of moist. He cringes at the gross feeling, but sighs as he eventually gives up on trying to solve the problem. The reason being something he can't control in the moment; the anxiousness he can't seem to shake off, and which only grows stronger the closer he gets to the table his late night date is waiting at.

The bar he had agreed to the guy, Kyung-il, is not a place Yeosang has ever been to before, nor is it even a place he'd come to on his own free will. Morning is just around the corner and the only places that are still open, are places like this; a sleazy little bar with yellow stained walls and a heavy smell of smoke lingering in the air. His date doesn't look like someone who'd ever set his foot in a place like this either, but he had insisted on meeting tonight and this was the nearest place for the both of them.

The chair is wobbling under Yeosang, as he sits down at the table again, making him look just as awkward as he is feeling inside. The beer he had ordered is still standing right where he had put it, and he has yet to take the first sip. When he once again looks around the small room, he wonders why he even agreed on meeting here. And at this hour too.

"Thought I'd lost you out there," Kyung-il says, flashing a charming smile at Yeosang.

Since the conversation with Wendy, Yeosang had tried signing up on a dating app. He had never tried it before, but it seemed like a simple way to meet other people. The guy, who is now sitting right next to him, had seemed especially eager to meet up, and as soon as possible. He looked cute in his photos, so Yeosang said yes after a couple of days of texting back and forth.

And he definitely looks good in real life too; handsome face and dressed in a black suit with a white shirt underneath, as he had just finished work at the bar at the Park Hyatt hotel before meeting with Yeosang.

But as soon as they had met up it was obvious that he was looking for something way different than Yeosang, who nows feels dumber than ever for thinking he could meet someone nice through an dating app.

"Oh, yeah... No, I'm sorry..." Yeosang forces a smile, which quickly fades away again while his eyes nervously shift around the room. His left hand is clenching the phone in his pocket, while he impatiently waits for San to answer him.

"Anyway... Where were we. Oh, right... So, do you wanna go to my place or?"

A gentle hand touches Yeosang's cheek, as Kyung-il moves closer, but the look in the stranger's eyes are far from gentle. Feeling how all words are getting stuck in his throat, while his heart is pounding in his chest, Yeosang nervously tries to scoot away.

At the same time, Yeosang curses himself for not wanting just a casual hook-up. This guy is really charming and really good-looking, and Yeosang briefly regrets calling him 'creepy' in his text to San. Maybe the word 'persistent' would've been better.

The phone suddenly buzzes in Yeosang's pocket, and he yanks it out to quickly read the text, unnoticeably underneath the table.

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