45⋆The afterglow

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When the lights go down
Come find me in the afterglow
Waiting to be found
I'll meet you in the afterglow




San throws his keys on the small dresser in the hallway of the apartment, kicks of his shoes and hangs his coat up before making his way into the living room. Two years have passed by in the glimpse of an eye, with so many things to see, learn and do - San has been thrilled to do it all, but lately his mind has been occupied by something else as well. Something that weighs heavier than anything else he's ever had to worry about.

The small apartment is the perfect size for just the two of them, on the second floor with a great view directly into the walls of the apartment complex next to them. But San doesn't care much about it, and it's not like he's been home much anyway - from starting off at a cleaning company, working all day, to taking English lessons in the evening, San has been busy every day since the move. Now he's gotten a new job in a bookstore, something he greatly appreciates although his new boss isn't as cool as Yunho back in Korea.

"Wendy wants to invite us to Paris for her birthday," Yeosang says, as San joins him in the living room. The younger is busy looking at color charts, trying to decide which color to use for the bedroom - the only room he hasn't changed yet.

San ruffles Yeosang's hair, making the younger whine a bit from getting his hairdo ruined, but he doesn't complain besides that - too focused trying to choose between Holly green and Forest green. Both, which look the exact same to San, but he already learned that it isn't something he should say out loud, when Yeosang redid the living room.

"Paris? But that's so far away... And expensive too, I bet..." he says with a frown, sitting down next to Yeosang.

"Don't worry about it," Yeosang replies, holding the color charts out in stretched arm in front of him - his eyes not shifting away from them for even one second.

"Sangie, I can't have you pay everything for me all the time. It's not like you're my sugar daddy, we're equals!"

"Wouldn't mind you calling me daddy in bed though," Yeosang mumbles, briefly side eyeing San, before looking back at the green shades in his hand.

"Please stop."

"Anyway. Wendy will be so disappointed if we don't come. So please, can't you just swallow your pride this one last time, and say yes?" With a sigh, Yeosang finally puts the charts down and looks directly at San.

The younger tilts his head to the side, looking so adorable it's hard not to reach out and just pinch those cute cheeks. But San knows he should keep his hands to himself right now - Yeosang might look cute, but when he is in this mood it's best not to tease him too much. This guy sure is persistent about getting his way.

"Fine... For Wendy's sake, we can go! But don't think I won't complain every second we are there!" San says, finally giving Yeosang the response he wanted.

"Wouldn't expect anything else from you, baby," Yeosang grins happily.

"You're such a brat," San laughs, "Anyway. I'm going to go shower."

Making sure that Yeosang is busy with the difficult decision of choosing between two of the same colors, San closes the door to the bathroom. He finds his phone in the pocket of his jeans, and scrolls down the contact list.

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