10⋆Perfect, like you

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Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again





Yeosang is anxiously moving around the room, feeling awkward no matter what he does and where he stands. He has lost sight of his friends, and he already regrets going to this stupid party. He never goes out like this, but his friends had been nagging him for ages, trying to make him tag along to every event they went to. Even his own mother has tried to convince him several times. Despite her being worried about him and his mental state, she still wants him to enjoy his youth.

"You are nineteen, Yeosang, you should enjoy your life and make good memories with your friends!"

Finally, he gave in, hoping it will make them stop. But he hates being at this party. It's only been twenty minutes or so but he is thinking about leaving soon. Wendy had excused herself to the bathroom while their other friends soon had disappeared into the crowded living room. Well, one of the living rooms. The place the party is being held is not an ordinary house, it's a freaking mansion owned by the parents of one of Yeosang's classmates.

Yeosang checks the time on his phone for the seventeenth time. He decides to just get one drink and if his friends will turn up before he's finished drinking it, he might stay a bit longer. He quickly locates the large table that has been stacked with all kinds of alcohol. While being too concentrated with reading the labels of one of the colorful bottles, he doesn't notice the stranger who is walking up to him.


The sound of a stranger's voice startles Yeosang, making him flinch back in surprise.

"I'm sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!" The stranger's smile is warm and charming, resulting in Yeosang's cheeks to blush up in an instant. "Haven't seen you before? Where has Kevin been hiding you?"

The guy is tall with very light blonde hair and the most perfect face Yeosang has ever seen in his entire life. No human-being should be allowed to look this beautiful, and Yeosang almost feels unworthy to be standing so close to him. Nervously he tugs the ends of his sleeves while trying to calm himself down.

"I-I ermm... We are in t-the same class but... I..." Yeosang is only able to force a nervous stutter over his lips as his cheeks continue to blush. He tries to lean against the table in attempt to look cool and casual, but ends up almost tripping when the table starts scooting from his weight, bottles clinking against each other as it happens.

"Oh, careful now!" the other guy softly laughs, and quickly grabs a hold on Yeosang's wrist to save him from falling.

"Tha-thanks..." Yeosang smiles shyly, looking embarrassed down at his feet. A warm tickling feeling streams through his arm from where the stranger's hand is touching him.

"I'm Taeyong. What's your name?"


"That's a pretty name. You're really cute, Yeosang." Taeyong sends him a lingering stare before turning around and walking away, leaving Yeosang standing dumbfounded behind with warm cheeks.

"Cute?" Yeosang mumbles to himself, feeling how his heart skips a beat. This guy can't be for real.

Yeosang can't help but follow Taeyong with his eyes, as he so gracefully makes his way through the room. Everything about Taeyong screams perfect. Something about the way he talks, even the simple sentences he's exchanged with Yeosang, is so comforting but at the same time intriguing. The look in his eyes is soft but also with a spark that demands that you only look at him. And Yeosang would really like to look at him again.

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