7⋆Devil's playground [M]

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Eyes closed while you scream out
And you keep me in with those hips
While my teeth sink in those lips
While your body's giving me life
And you suffocate in my kiss



During the cab ride Yeosang is fast asleep, snoring lightly as he rests his head on San's shoulder. San might have cursed himself out several times since he got in the cab, but his conscious wouldn't let him leave the younger alone in such a state after all.

Deep, deep inside San feels just a tiny bit bad for having treated Yeosang the way he has. He had been quick to label the younger as another privileged rich kid who has no clue about how hard life actually can be. But tonight he was surely proven wrong. The image of the scars on Yeosang's arms has printed itself into Sans brain and even in this state of still being very drunk he can't shake the guilt of having acted like such an asshole.

"Is this where you live?" San asks with a raised brow, as Yeosang finally gets the code to his apartment right.

"Yes, why?"

"Just thought you'd live somewhere nicer. Aren't you like a trust fund baby?"

San looks confused around inside Yeosang's small one-bedroom apartment, while letting the younger support his still drunk body against his own. It's obvious that Yeosang hasn't live there for long, the walls are empty and a couple of moving boxes are still standing in the corner. But the size of the place is still what surprises San the most.

"Well, I like this place," Yeosang mumbles, avoiding the question. He let's go of San and stumbles his way towards his bed. "Here, thanks for letting me borrow this."

San looks over his shoulder to see Yeosang holding his shirt out towards him, while looking at him with red, tired eyes.

"No problem, I guess..." San says while taking the shirt from Yeosang's hand.

His eyes unwillingly linger on the younger's body before Yeosang turns around and disappears into the bathroom. San clears his throat, hoping it will clear his mind as well. Yeosang sure has a nice body, slender but bit toned– not too much and not too little, just perfect. He might happen to be a male, but San can appreciate a nice body when he sees one.

When Yeosang returns he has put on a loose t-shirt and some sweatpants. He staggers to his bed and gets under the covers with a long, satisfied sigh. San watches him in silence before slowly walking over to sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Get some sleep, drunkie... And also, don't mention this to anyone at work. I don't want them to think I'm a nice guy, okay?"



"Thanks, for helping me tonight," a small yawn comes from Yeosang while he stretches his arms out, making a few drunken gestures before letting them fall down again.

His left hand ends up on San's arm and both of them look at each other in surprise when it happens.

"No problem..." San mutters, suddenly feeling a bit nervous. But he doesn't move away. "I... Should get going. Might take me all night to get a cab at this hour."

"You... You can just crash here for a while if you want? And wait for the metro to start running again. I mean, it's just like one hour from now anyway?" Yeosang offers, although seeming a bit hesitant from the tone in his soft voice.

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