19⋆Foolish mind

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A/N: I'm dedicating this chapter to someone who's truly amazing, and who deserves all good things in the world! This one's for you my love;; Teal_Sakura 💞


Ask for forever
When the end is in sight
Showing what you want to
We're looking for light
Inside an ocean of night
But will we ever see it through?



"What about this one? No, I look kind of fat in this one, right?"

Yeosang is resting his chin against his palm, as he watches Wendy through their video call on Skype. She has been showing him a hundred dresses already, trying to choose one to wear at her upcoming engagement party. Her brown, curly hair has become messy from all the clothes she has pulled over her head, but she frantically goes on.

"Wendy, you don't look fat no matter what you wear," Yeosang tries to assure her, but she just shakes her head at him before disappearing out of the frame.

"Okay, I have another one. Hold on," her voice calls out from the side, and the sound of shopping bags being tossed around is heard as well – the fancy paper kind, not the plastic ones, of course.

"Alright, this one?" Wendy returns to the screen, wearing another beautiful outfit. "This is from the new Chanel spring/summer collection. I know, I know, it's a little bit casual but I just like the silhouette so much."

She does a quick twirl in front of the camera to show off the outfit, and Yeosang is convinced that Wendy has no clue what the word causal actually means.

"Honestly, all of them are great," Yeosang mumbles, drawing circles on the table with his index finger.

His mind is in a completely different place than trying to help his friend pick out clothes. The shame of what he did last night won't leave him alone, even after an endless, steaming hot shower and several minutes of staring at the ceiling trying to calm himself down.

Sex is a natural thing; he shouldn't feel so guilty of wanting it too. Even if it once again happened with someone like San. Yeosang fears that San is slowly becoming his greatest weakness. Whenever the older comes close to him, he loses all self-control and all he wants is to satisfy the craving for feeling San on top of him, to be pounded hard into the mattress and lose himself in the moment of pure lust. Just thinking about it makes Yeosang's body heat up, and he hates how he can't seem to control it at all.


"I... I'm sorry, what?" Yeosang looks at the screen, only now realizing he had been drifting off in his own thoughts.

Wendy has sat down in front of the table, which her own laptop is positioned on, and she tilts her head slightly to the side while looking at him through the screen.

"Are you okay?" she asks, and Yeosang isn't sure how to respond to her question.

"I... Yeah... Sure..." the hesitant mumble couldn't possibly sound less genuine, but how could he ever lie to her anyway?

"You don't seem okay though? What's going on? Is it the engagement party?"

Yeosang's eyes widen up and his lips part as he sharply inhales in surprise. The engagement party. He has been too caught up in the worry about the thing with San that his brain seemingly has forgotten the fear of having to face his perfect ex again.

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