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WARNING: mention of self-harm, suicide attempt and drugs !!


Now I'm standing on the edge
With nowhere to go
This is how it feels, this is how it feels
How it feels to be lost



Almost two weeks have passed by since Yeosang started working at the night club. So far, San has tried to avoid the younger as much as possible, and to his relief it seems like Yeosang is doing the very same.

It's New Year's Eve and San is done with work for the night, now sitting on the opposite side of the bar with his tongue down the throat of some random girl. She has told him her name earlier but he's too drunk to remember, and honestly he doesn't really give a shit anyway. Her long nails are digging into the skin of his neck as they make out, and she eagerly grinds her body against his.

"I need to go to the bathroom," the girl says, practically gasping for air when they break the kiss. "I'll be right back!"

San watches her as she struts her way through the crowd. He could take her home right away, hell, he could just follow her to the bathroom and fuck her right there. But for some unknown reason he doesn't really feel like it. Maybe because it would be too easy...

"So, are you coming to the party at The Plaza?" a sweet, very familiar voice suddenly asks next to him.

When turning his head to look to the left, San's eyes meets the face of the most beautiful girl he knows. Nana, one of the VIP hostesses at the night club. It's only been a couple of months since he used to fool around with her, she has been the only one San has ever hooked up with more than once. But as soon as he started to suspect she was having feelings for him, he had to end it. Of course. Nana is a special girl, but something was still missing.

"Some of the guys have rented a suite there. Jennie and I are leaving in like five," Nana adds when San doesn't reply right away.

"I don't know..." San mumbles drunkenly, trying to adjust his shirt which the girl from before has almost ripped open.

"You can bring her, or... Whatever," Nana flips her hair back over her shoulder and couldn't possible sound any less enthusiastic about the girl San was making out with only a minute ago.

Their eyes meet and it's so hard for San to not eat her up with his eyes alone. She looks truly amazing dressed in a red dress with a low v-cut and matching red lipstick. As she is standing there, no one compares to her, especially not the random girl whose name he's forgotten.

"Nah, fuck her!" he laughs and stumbles down from the bar stool.

"Alright," Nana smiles satisfied, "can you ask Yeosang too? Jennie's kinda got a thing for him, so..."

"What? Why?" San frowns.

"Because he's really hot!" Nana states like it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Clearly she hasn't talked enough with him then, He's annoying as fuck."

"I'm pretty sure she isn't planning on talking much anyway. Just ask him, okay?"


"Do you want one?" Jay looks up at San whose eyes are staring at the white lines all lined up and ready on the coffee table between them, right in the middle of the suite.

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