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With you
I feel the other half
Of my heartbeat
I'm complete



"Mom! We're home!"

Yeosang's voice echoes through the wide hallway, and he seemingly catches a brief glimpse of San's reflection, in the large, golden framed mirror on the wall.

"You seem nervous?" he chuckles, looking over his shoulder and grabbing San's hand at the same time.

"What? No, I-..." San mumbles, trying to play it off with a charming smile, but he knows the burning warmth from his hand is exposing him.

Holding his hand tightly, Yeosang eagerly drags San through the house, towards the noises coming from what will soon turn out to be the dining room. With every step, San feels more and more out of breath. He's never felt comfortable in fancy gatherings, nor surroundings, and even the big family gatherings held by his own family has got nothing on just the decor of this house.

"Mom?" Yeosang asks, popping his head through the open door.

"Ah, Yeosang! You're back!" his mother smiles, looking up from the bouquet of peonies. "Oh, and you must be San!"

The woman is almost looking too young to be Yeosang's mother, but the smile and the sparkle in her eyes is just the same. She gracefully makes her way around the dining table, and before San can even react he is pulled into a big hug.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kang," he shyly says, as she lets go of him, cheeks blushing up.

"The pleasure is all mine! I hope you're hungry, because dinner is almost ready!"

And just ten minutes, and a lot of nagging to get Yeosang's younger brother out of his room, later, San finds himself feeling more confused than ever - sitting at the nicely set dining table. He's never seen chandeliers bigger than the ones in the ceiling that seems to be miles above them, the cutlery is golden and there's too many of them for him to even know which one to use first. Everything is so upper-class and fancy, but Yeosang's family is so nice and down to earth. In San's head it just doesn't make any sense.

San scratches the back of his neck, silently observing what is going on around him. Even Yeosang's father has come home early from work, just to meet him. Mr. Kang does have a strong feeling of authority to him, but he seems very kind as well. Mrs. Kang is so lovely, and Jongho... Well, he is pretty much as Yeosang had described him. Very much a teenager.

Jongho enters the dining room, his dark brown hair cut just to above his eyes, and he dressed in a marching band styled blazer - navy with gold buttons and a with a white shirt underneath. His posture is freakishly straight - just like Yeosang's when they first met. He does greet San politely though, before they all sit down to eat dinner together.

"Jongho, I'm just very concerned about you. You're always in your room. I know you love working on your music, but... Why don't you go out and make some friends?" Mrs. Kang says, passing the salad onto Yeosang on her left.

"Mom! Can we not do this right now? I'm so sick of you trying to control my life," Jongho grumbles, grinding his cutlery against each other, while his mother sends him a quick glare.

"Honey, you know I'd never do such a thing! Honest to God!" she then says, shaking her head a few times.

"And I'm, honest to God, getting saggy balls from this conversation!"

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