15⋆Scream my name [M]

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There's something 'bout you, baby
There's nothing like the way you get me high
You got a heart from Heaven
But you're burning like Hell



"I don't want to be alone tonight," San whispers and Yeosang's heartbeat increases significantly.

The look in the dark eyes is burning into his, making him want things he shouldn't even be thinking of.

But he doesn't want to be alone tonight either, or any night at all for that matter. However, choosing between being alone and being with San is not a choice he thought he'd ever have to make. While staring into San's eyes, everything that happened on New Year's is slowly coming back to him. The feeling of San's lips, his hands touching Yeosang places he hadn't been touched in a long time. Everything.

The air thickens around them as they stand there so close to each other, and Yeosang is starting to feel quite dizzy. And feeling San's fingers slowly running through his hair, tickling him down his neck, is not making things any easier.

Yeosang doesn't even like San that way, he just likes to occasionally look at him, but he can't deny the craving for feeling another person close to him. It's been so long, and he needs it – he really, really needs it.

With a trembling hand he lets his fingers stroke along San's perfect jawline, watching as the dark eyes in front of him lighten up by the touch. San parts his lips only to close them together again, and Yeosang likes that the older for once has run out of things to say.

"Me neither," Yeosang whispers against San's lips before pulling him into a kiss.

Despite Yeosang taking the first initiative, San soon takes over as being the dominant one and Yeosang lets go of a half-choked gasp when their tongues find each other and his body is pressed harder against the wall. Every single part of him tickling from anticipation.

A moan of pure lust is escaping Yeosang's lips when he feels San's hands move down to place a firm grip around his hips, holding him in place as their bodies grind against each other.

San breaks the kiss and takes a step back. He runs his fingers through his dark hair, biting his lower lip while looking at Yeosang who is leaning against the wall; hair messy, lips wet and breathing heavily.

"Damn, you look good like this," San says, licking his lips before dragging Yeosang to the bed.

The mattress bounces lightly as Yeosang is pushed onto it, with San getting on top of him right away. Their impatient hands are dragging each other's clothes off, soon revealing the skin that is screaming to be touched. Yeosang wraps his arms around San's neck, pulling him down to let their lips lock onto each other again as the rest of their clothes are thrown onto the floor.

A deep, lewd moan escapes into San's mouth when he pushes Yeosang's legs apart with his knee and their naked bodies meet for the first time. Yeosang throws his head backwards into the pillow, gasping for air as he feels San's hard erection move against his own.

San lays his hand under Yeosang's chin, forcing their eyes to meet. With a smirk he let's his thumb run over Yeosang's lower lip, pushing the tip inside to make the lips part before pressing his own onto them again, his soft tongue diving into Yeosang's mouth at the very same time. 

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