28⋆The cold war

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You can't blame me, darling
Not even a little bit, I was away
I'm just an arrogant son of a bitch
Who can't admit when he's sorry



"That was kinda rude," Felix mumbles, as soon as Yeosang has left.

"So? It's true though?" San rolls his eyes, lighting up a cigarette while once again not giving a damn about Hongjoong's 'no smoking inside the club'-rule

Felix and Hyunjin send each other a look, but San simply ignores them. Everything Yeosang does and says is starting to get on San's nerves. He cringes so hard it physically hurts when they are forced to work together - he almost misses the times when he was put together with Seonghwa behind the bar.

But the feeling, which is dominant within San is disappointment. He feels disappointed that he actually ended up falling in love with someone - something he has tried so hard to avoid all his life. Disappointed in Yeosang, and that he got back together with Taeyong despite everything that has happened between them. And disappointed that Yeosang hasn't reacted to San coming by his apartment two weeks ago.

Sure, he didn't speak with Yeosang that day, but he assumes that the younger was at home, and the lack of reaction had been painful to get through. The hurt of hearing Yeosang use the term "boyfriend" about Taeyong, had instantly turned into rage.

San curses Yeosang and his lack of will-power. Taeyong is going to hurt him again, San is sure of that, but in the end that's Yeosang's problem - and San shouldn't care about that nor him, just like Yeosang obviously doesn't care about San either.

"Whatever... I don't know what's going on between you guys now, but you better make up soon, I have big plans for my birthday!" Felix then says.

"What do you mean?" a sigh leaves with his words, as San glares at his blonde friend, already anxious what he's planned this year. Felix is known to always go all out on his birthday, and this year is no exception.

"Well, there'll be a party, of course," he starts off, looking at Hyunjin who nods right away in fear of not showing enough support for Felix' newest idea, "But! We will also do something else this year, since I'm turning twenty-five! We need to celebrate that I'm half-way dead already."

"You're going to die when you turn fifty?" San scoffs.

"No? Thirty?"

"Twenty-five is not half-way to thirty though," San then points out, already knowing he won't win this one, despite him being painfully right.

"Uhm, yes? It is half-way through my twenties, so?"

"Lee, that's not how math works..."

"Anyway," Felix snorts, holding his hand up in front of San as a somewhat more polite way of telling him to shut up. "I have, are you guys ready, booked a vacation for us!"

San and Hyunjin share a look, both unsure on what to say. Felix has jumped up from his seat at his great announcement, and had he had some confetti he would've thrown it all around by now.

"And before you make complaints, I've already checked in with Hongjoong, and everything is cleared! We are good to go! WE ARE GOING TO HAWAII, BITCHES!"

"Call me bitch again, and I'll kick you in the face," Hyunjin scoffs, trying to fight off Felix who is dragging him and San into a group hug.

"Don't be such a bitch, bitch, do you want a free vacation or not?" Despite his small size, Felix is surprisingly strong and San sighs as he lets the other forcefully hug him.

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