41⋆In sickness and in health

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Like a map faded in time
Like an old forgotten tomb
I know love has been unkind
For the two of us



"- for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part."

"I do."

Even the warm sunlight couldn't possible light up Wendy's smile more than it already is, when the ring is placed on her finger. A small tear of happiness rolls down Jaehyun's cheek, as he slowly leans in to kiss beautiful his wife.

The entire scenery is just perfect, as was it taken directly out from a glamorous Hollywood movie. With the sun in the cloudless sky, the sound of the ocean, and the flowers forming the aisle down the rows of floral decorated, white chairs - no other wedding could stand a chance.

Yeosang wipes a tear from his eye, as he watches his best friend with a big smile on his face. Wendy is married now, and a new chapter of her life is about to begin - one Yeosang is more than thrilled to be a part of. But deep down, he can't deny the loneliness that still roams inside of him. His friends had all offered to find him a date for the wedding, but had kindly said no to all of them. There was only one person he'd want to take anyway.

By now it's unclear whether the story of him and San has already ended, or simply been put on hold. Months of not speaking together have been both a curse and a blessing to him, some days have been harder than others - and thinking of San still hurts deep in his heart, but Yeosang has wanted to give the older enough time to find himself, to finally see himself and everyone around him clearly again.

But maybe he has waited too long?

In sickness and in health... Yeosang has regretted leaving San behind more than a million times. Although he knew it was necessary, it was the hardest thing he ever had to do. And he promises that if they're ever given a second chance, he'll never leave San's side again.

"Congratulations, Wendy," Yeosang smiles, as he embraces her.

"Thank you, Sangie! Can you believe it, I'm married now!" she squeaks, giving him an extra squeeze before letting go.

Yeosang brushes a lock of her brown hair away from her face, looking at her with proud and happy eyes.

"I'm so happy for you! And I wish you a life full of happiness," he then says, "This wedding is amazing! Like a dream!"

The reception is taking place, at the most wonderful wedding venue in St. Ives, and everything has been set up in the huge garden area outside.

"Oh... There is someone waiting to talk to you," Wendy suddenly says, "But... Ah, hold on Sangie..."

Wendy sighs with a small laugh, when she peeks behind Yeosang to see her mother about to squeeze the life out of her new son-in-law.

"Mom! Don't do that!" Wendy shouts, passing by Yeosang to save her husband.

Yeosang scratches his head, wondering who Wendy was talking about. While waiting for her to return, he takes a few hesitant steps around, the warm sunlight making everything even more beautiful than it already is.

Suddenly he feels a hand gently tapping him on the shoulder.

"Yeosang. Hey... How have you been?" a voice asks.

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