blue christmas

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"I'll have a blue Christmas without you..."


AS AN ANGEL you had the ability to make one wish happen per year for someone in the living world. Anyone, any day, and anywhere. The only exception was that you could only give someone a wish once, so ever since the year, you had been born you spent the entire year looking for people to give your wish to. People who were kind and sometimes people who you wished deserved a second chance.

  This year it was more the second chance aspect of the wish person, but you also had found that they care about their friends more than anything. This person was Varian and he lived in Corona. You were going to make sure that he got his wish this holiday.

  So a couple of days before the first day of the cold moon, you visited Corona. It's very strange how the process has to go. First, you have to transform into a human so to speak and then you have to make sure that you don't say that you're an angel. The wish must be completed by their wishing, not by what you think that they should wish. That was a way that your organization had always told you to do your job, but if you didn't follow the rules they could revoke your wings, and then you would have to remain mortal.

  You shivered but not from the cold. You were always worried about breaking the rules, that's why you made sure that you always followed them. You walked into where you thought you were supposed to go and you looked around, sensing the presence of everyone's goodness. Some of them made you happy while others made you a little bit scared. A goodness level was easy to control, but a badness level was even easier.

  You knew that you could make it to the house, you just weren't exactly which direction to go. It was extremely tough for an angel in the human world. Nothing came as simple. You noticed him over there and you wished you could fly over there so you wouldn't have to use your legs, but alas, you could not.

  "Can't fly," you reminded yourself and made it the rest of the way on foot. You felt really strange here, there was snow, a sun, there was grass even if you couldn't see it. It was all so great to come back to year by year.

  You just have looked very odd as well because you were like a people magnet and a couple of people asked you if you were lost. You just smiled and said, "No."

  The boy you had been looking for was right there and you ran over to him. Little bit you know it was kind of strange to run at people when you don't know them, so Varian was at first a little bit freaked out by you.

  "Hi, I'm (Y/n)." you quickly introduced.

  "Varian," he said, a little bit of a grumble. You weren't sure if he was upset or not, you stayed silent wondering what he was feeling. Your powers weren't as strong and you weren't sure why. Normally you could sense human feelings but not right now. The silence was uncomfortably long so Varian asked, "Where did you come from?"

  "The city of-" you were about to give away your true birthplace but then you quickly changed your angel, "Angelton?"

  "Angelton? I've never heard of it."

  "It's far north," you said.

  "That explains the whole white ensemble doing on," he said. You wondered what gave him the right to judge your outfit.

  "I'll have you know this is a highly respected outfit in Angelton," you said. He was getting on your nerves and you were almost ready to leave and make him forget that the whole thing had ever happened.

  "Wow, it must be my lucky day because no one bedizen in a white outfit has ever visited me before the holidays." Varian mocked.

  "Are you calling me a crazy person?" you asked. "You know what, I came here because I had a job to do, I was supposed to give you a wish and now I might just leave." You just realized what you just said.

   "A wish?" he asked.

   "Um, did I say wish? I meant dish, I was supposed to give you a dish of food." something told you that you had broken one of the rules. You sighed, you just hoped that you could still see everyone's goodness. Nope, you couldn't. Did this mean that you were human already?

   "I'm pretty sure you said wish, and you said you were from Angelton before. Does that mean you're an angel?" Varian asked you, and you wished that you hadn't just said the things that you had just said. Now you couldn't take them back and now you might be mortal for life.

   "Um," you didn't know what to say. What could you say that wouldn't make him suspect you even more.

   "If you're an angel you're a pretty lousy one I haven't even gotten any motivational talks or even a wish like you said before which I'm assuming I'm getting," he said.

   "Yeah, so what do you want your wish to be?" you asked, now admitting that you could give him his wish. Now admitting that you were an angel but not wanting to admit to yourself that you had just broken the rules.

    "I don't know, maybe I'd just wish for something that would make my dad happier. I mean he's always happy when I'm around, except when I'm causing trouble, but around this time of year he's always sad," he said.

    "So what do you want?" you asked. There was something that you were actually able to hold that you could give to him in that sentence.

   "Just for everyone to be happy," he said.

   "That's the first wish that I haven't been able to give anyone," you said. "What use is an angel truly if they can't make someone feel joy inside. If joy is supposed to come out of all of us are we joy, and we must just give ourselves to others?"

   "Are you having a realization here?" he asked.

   "Maybe." you snapped your fingers, wondering what the wish could be. Nothing happened. "I guess my powers are gone."

   "You can't grant wishes?"

   You sighed, shaking your head, "Not anymore, but I would have liked to see your wish come true."

   "What does this mean now? Can you go back home?" he asked, worried that you may have been kicked out of your city and it was his fault.

   "No, I don't think I can. I think I'm ordinary for once," you said. "I'm ordinary! I'm normal! I'm a human! I'm mortal!"

   "Okay, relax a little bit. Not everyone just watched our whole conversation. If you're normal now, where will you stay? What will you do?" Varian asked.

   "I guess I'll just go back with you," you said and you began to walk away.

   "Alright, I won't have to just explain the new person in the house to my dad," he said and you laughed. You couldn't use your powers now, and you were ordinary, but being ordinary didn't seem so bad after all.



Short story before more winter adventure chapters!

1226 words, Dec 9th

1231 words, edited May 1st

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