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VISITING Varian's lab for the third time this week you still weren't really tired of having the same routine. He always had something interesting to show you, whether it be the advancements to the racoon trap or adjusting the hot water machine. He was definitely more popular and while you visited sometimes you would see Eugene and Rapunzel.

You would always be complimenting him on all of his inventions, but you felt like he always wanted to hear it from someone else. You were proud of him no matter what he did, you always wondered what he was up too. He was found in his lab as always, "Did you hear about what the princess was organizing?"

"What?" You asked, wondering if it was another science expo that he needed your help with.

"A talent competition." He said.

"Neat. Are you entering?" You asked him, he could do a representation of one of his inventions.

"No...I was hoping that you would enter."

"Me?" You said, you almost wanted to laugh as if it was a joke. "Why me? What am I supposed to do? What talent do I have?"

"You can be really cute." He told you.

Now, that one was a joke. You gave him a laugh, "No, seriously,"

"You're good at singing." He told you. You were confused, did he just compliment you? Not once, but twice! "I think that you should enter the competition."

You were conflicted, "I am glad that you think so, but I just couldn't."

"Well, why not?" He said, not understanding your fear. He wasn't ever super shy when it came to these things. Not like you, I guess that's why you were such good friends. You basically balanced each other out, but not too much that you didn't have similarities.

"I can't go up there, in front of all of Corona. Who knows what they'd think?" You told him.

"If it makes you feel better, I'd be proud of you. I'd look up there and say, 'that's a wonderful voice'." You nudged his shoulder. "But if you're not going to do it, I can't force you." He smiled, which was kind of a strange expression to make. You had only seen him smile like that when he had a plan. Noticing the time of day, you made your way back home and you thought about the talent competition for the whole night.

You still visited him the next day. Today, he said that you wanted to try something, but you weren't exactly sure if you wanted to. Trusting him, you drank the liquid. Instantly, you felt a little bit different, but the liquid was super gross. "What was in that?" You asked him.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked.

You didn't hesitate, you were completely certain. "I'm fine. In fact, more than fine."

"Good," He said, mostly for only himself to hear. You heard it, but you decided not to mention. You wondered what that was supposed to mean. What was supposed to work?

"What was it then?" You asked, curious.

"It was just something I was working on. I won't wear off until Friday, which means that it will be perfect for when you decide to join the talent competition." He told you, you frowned. What did he mean by perfect?


"You said that you were nervous to go up on stage, so I made a little confidence booster."

"You did? Of course, you did." Crossing you arms, you felt what you thought was the liquid taking it's effect. You definitely felt a lot better about performing on the Friday. "If I were to perform, would you help me practice? I need someone to watch me."

"Yeah, of course I will. I'd do anything to help you get ready." He said with a smile, then he turned a little bit and bit his lip. He seemed like he was nervous, that was a bit of a new emotion on him. You weren't sure why he had to be nervous.

"Well, I will see you tomorrow." For the rest of the week, you visited him while he helped you and watched you sing. You felt like you were really improving and when Friday came you were ready for that talent competition.

This was it, the talent competition. You were no longer afraid and you were ready to show off your talent. He was proud of you, you could see it, which made you give him a hug. "What was that for?" He asked you.

"That was for helping me." You told him. As they called you to the stage, you were ready to sing. You thought that you did an amazing job and a lot of people cheered you on. Rapunzel even gave you a quick hug and Eugene a high five once you were done.

"I have something to tell you." Varian said.

"What is it?" You asked.

"There was no confidence booster. That was just you."

"You made me drink that disgusting liquid and it was for nothing!" You shouted at him.

"It helped you get up there, didn't it." He told you.

It was a smart move and you couldn't argue. "In that case." You gave him a kiss on the check, that made him blush like crazy. You smiled it was very cute.

"What was that for?" He asked you.

"Everything." You answered. He had indeed helped you find confidence in yourself that you didn't even know you had.


I finished this at the exact time "you love who you love" from bonnie and clyde ended and it was so perfect, I love that song.

938 words, May 7th

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