frozen heart cont.

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THE four of you left the ice palace. Escaping a giant snow monster might have not been on your bucket list, but you certainly could add it to things that you never thought that you would be doing.

    Eugene and Rapunzel came up with a quick plan and you all fell into a snow pillow. It wasn't a high fall and the snow had protected you from the impact. "What are we supposed to do now?" Eugene asked.

    "Do you have another plan?" Rapunzel asked you.

    "No," you said, then realized that you had no idea what you were doing, "I don't. What am I going to do? I can't go back to the kingdom with it like this and I just..."

    "Your hair," Eugene said.

    "What about my hair?" you said trying to look at it.

    "It's turning white," he said.

    "We just fell off a cliff, you should see your hair."

    "What about my hair?" he said, brushing off snow. "Yours is actually turning white." You looked at a strand, it was indeed white, and it was very unusual. "It's because he struck you."

    You were putting things together now and although you realized that you may have not realized that you had a chance of dying you knew that you had to do something about your situation.

     "We're getting you help," Rapunzel said and she brought you to the woods that you felt lie you remember but for some reason, it felt like something was blocking your memories.

     "What is this place?" you asked. There seemed to be nothing around, the woods were very quiet and there were just a bunch of rocks there. You felt a pain in your heart again and you saw all of the rocks jolt up. "What are they?"

     "You mean, who are we? Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Bulda." one of the rocks said.

     "(Y/n)" you told the talking rock.

     "Where's Grand Pabbie?" Rapunzel asked. It was quite confusing to have a troll come to your aid, but you just ran from a snow monster and your hair was turning white, there really wasn't anything strange anymore.

     Grand Pabbie came out by rolling and he was worried about your safety. "Come closer," he told you and you put your gloved hands in his stone ones, "just as I suspected. You're in great danger, there's ice in your heart, if you don't remove the solid ice, you'll freeze."

     "You could remove it right?"

     "If it was the head that would be easy, but only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart."

     "An act of true love?" you asked. Then you shivered and your hair turned even whiter than it was before.

     "We have to get her back to the kingdom. Max can only carry two people, so Eugene please stay here." Rapunzel said, "Thank you, Grand Pabbie." Then everyone except Eugene got on the reindeer and went back to the kingdom.

     "I've never seen a kingdom before, what's it like?" the snowman said as you raced closer and closer to the castle.

     "Hang in there, we're going to get you home," Rapunzel said as you neared the neighbourhood near the castle. The reindeer hooves clicked against the stones and you could tell that you were almost home. Rapunzel carefully dismounted everyone and walked to the castle.

      The castle gates opened when Rapunzel went to the front. "Is she okay?" people asked.

      "Has Varian returned?" Rapunzel asked.

      "No." people responded and they took you to a room where you could rest. The snowman came into the room with you.

      "We haven't really got to talk. What's your name?"

      "I'm Ruddiger."

      "Ruddiger? It's like the snowman that Varian and I made as kids. I can't believe that you're alive and that you can talk."

      The snowman sat on the couch next to you. "This is no time to be talking about what I can and can't do. You're going to die if you don't find your act of true love."

       The window opened and a blast of air made you shiver, the world seemed colder, what was happening out there? Ruddiger took a step to the other window and saw Varian running out of the castle. "Look!"

       You couldn't get over to the window, "What is it?"

       "It's Varian! He's back in the kingdom. We have to go help him!" The snowman raced to the door and opened it. You didn't move so he went back for you. "Sorry." The two of you walked slowly out of the room and everywhere seemed to have ice around it.

       You decided to go out a window and slide down with the snow that was building against the castle. Rudiger rolled up more snow and became a large snowball, "Keep going I'll catch up."

        You continued to walk and you saw two figures on the ice, you couldn't tell who it was but you tried to get over there as fast as you could. Eugene and Rapunzel had headed back for you and they saw you walking out on the ice. "What is she doing?" Eugene asked Rapunzel.

        "She's getting her act of true love," Rapunzel said.

        The wind swirled and you realized that you would have to get there before it was too late. You saw one of the guards bring a sword over their head and you knew what was going to happen next. You ran in front of the sword direction. "No!"

        You were frozen, a statue. You weren't sure what happened, but you felt your senses coming back. Then you were unfrozen and you saw Varian next to you. He hugged you and though you were shocked you hugged him back. "You sacrificed yourself for me?" he asked.

        "I love you," you answered.

        "An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart," Ruddiger repeated what the trolls had said.

        "Love will thaw? Love...of course." You were glad that Varian was getting over his fear of his ice powers. It seems that if he just accepted who he was, he could undo the storm. He melted the fjord and the boats came back on the water. The air was filled with the same atmosphere as the air in spring, a new, soft breeze after all of the cold air.

        "I knew you could do it," you told him.

        "This has been the best day of my life...and quite possibly the last," Ruddiger said.

        "I think I can fix that," Varian said and created a blizzard for Ruddiger.

        "Will the gates go back to being closed?" you asked, sadly.

        "We're never going to close them again," Varian said.

authors note

Thanks for reading Frozen, an abbreviated tale. I only wrote this because Frozen II is going to be coming out in less that two weeks and I'm just the most excited in the world. I'm also very tired though and I think I'm going to pass out from exhaustion so I'll see you when that doesn't happen.

Plus this is a beautiful video, but very be warned.

I honestly thought that it was going to be really fine but then it just made me cry and I needed a new box of tissues. I'm emotionally damaged now, so I'm sorry if I brought anyone else into a state of sadness.

1222 words, November 11th

1225 words, edited May 1st

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