1 - Meeting

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Today I was starting my new need job. I didn't get fired from my last one but they just could not pay me any more than what they already were. They had recommended me to somebody else and I instantly got the job before being able to even speak to the man. I was on my way thinking about how it would be better there than at my last job and hopefully I would be able to get paid better.
I had just got to the house mention of my truck. I woke up the door with my bag in hand and set one down to knock on the door. I heard shuffling come behind the door. I smiled thinking it was some lady trying to make sure everything didn't look like it was a mess before I walked into the house. When the door opened I was extremely shocked.
It was a very handsome tall brown eyed brown haired scruffy man. He had a smile on his face showing his perfect white teeth. He looked kind of out of breath. He looked me up and down and then at my bags. He was a country man for sure. This man look me up and down again and then look me back into the eyes. He seemed kind of shocked before he even spoke he put it even bigger smile on his face.

"You must be Miss. Wolverton?" He asked me with his amazing country twang voice.
"Yes sir, please call me Nikki." I said with a smile. He smiled right back at me.
"I'm Luke. Kara and David told me about you, and thought I would need some help around here, and sure as hell they were right." he laughed. I laughed a little too.
"Well that's what I'm here for." I was going to continue but I waited for a response from him.
"They told me you were amazing, and great with kids. They also said you'd need a place to stay. I have everything arranged and we can talk about that in the kitchen after I get your bags upstairs." He said grabbing my bags for me.
"I can grab them, you don't need to." I said about to grab one and he just looked at me.
"What kind of man would I be letting a woman carry her own bags. A purse is an exception." He said with a smirk.
"Well then I'll fallow you Mr…." I said in a confused tone because I didn't know his last name.
"Just call me Luke." he smiled having me fallow him. I shut the door and fallowed him up the steps. I was the first door on the right. "Here is your room. Everything is already in here. You can change it up if you like. I would prefer if you left it the hunter green and hardwood floor." Luke smiled at me. He set the two bags by a dresser and looked at me.
"I love green so I am not changing it and hard wood floor is amazing. So much better than rugs."
"Oh then you'll have fun with the basement and den." We both laughed. "Come on, I'll show you around. Then the boys are playing with Blake in the basement." He said walking out the door.

He showed me the rest of the upstairs. He showed me his room with connected bathroom. He showed me the two boy's room. Then he showed me the bathroom I had, and the other one for the boys. Then we went downstairs and he showed me the den, sun room, kitchen, dining room, and bathroom down there. He showed me the back yard from the sliding doors in the kitchen. When we were done that we went to a door that led to the basement. He explained this is where he plays his music mostly, and does his work. I smiled and nodded and then followed him down the steps. I heard boys giggling, and a man laughing. When we got downstairs it was like a living room with a huge TV then off to the side looked like a little music room.

"Hey guys, this is Nikki Wolverton. Nikki, that is Blake, and those two little things are my pride and joys." He said pointing to each. The kids just stared at me confused. The little one looked kind of scared. The older one gave me a, "who the hell are you," look. Blake got up and shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you. Luke isn't too hard to look after. He is messy in the kitchen, and hates doing laundry." Blake said and Luke gave him a glare.
"I'm fine with that. It's what I get paid for." I smiled at him. The two men smiled at me.
"Bo, Tater, come here boys." Luke said and the boys got up off the floor and slowly walked over. The smaller one clung to Luke's leg. The other one just kept looking at me. "This is Bo, he is 4 and Tater is 2. He is really shy with new people." Luke said. I got down to their level.
"Hi boys." Tater grabbed onto his dad's pant leg more. Bo came up to me. He put his hand out.
"Hi Nikki." He said and we shook hands. I smiled.
"Strong grip kiddo. Tryna be stronger than your daddy?" I smiled and so did he.
"I wanna be like daddy." He looked up at Luke and Luke looked down at us and smiled. I looked over at Tater.
"Hey Tater. It's alright little man." I said putting out my hand to him. He looked up at Luke then at my hand. "Wanna see a cool trick?" He stared a few seconds then nodded. "Okay come a little closer. There is something behind that ear of yours." I said. I put my hand in my pocket and he slowly let go of Luke and came in arms length. Just enough so I could do my trick. "What's that behind your ear?" He looked at me confused and tried to grab his ear then what is behind it. "Didn't find anything?" He shook his head no. "Here lemme show you." I said putting my hand slowly to his head to see if he was fine with it and he just looked at me kind of scared. I touched his ear then hair behind his ear. I quickly pulled away putting my hand in front of him with a quarter. His eyes lit up. He looked up at Luke.
"Daddy! I got money in ears!" Tater said and Luke laughed. He grabbed at his ears and then pulled away showing nothing he frowned. "How you do that?" He looked at me questioningly.
"Magicians never show their tricks. Maybe one day I'll teach you, so only you and I will know the secret." I winked at him. He smiled. He then came right to me and hugged me tight. I was drawn back but hugged him too.
"Mickey's cool daddy!" Tater said still holding me. I looked up at Luke and he smirked.
"Nikki, Tater, not Mickey." Luke corrected. Tater let go.
"Nikki?" He asked me. I nodded. "I'm Tater Bug." He smiled. I poked his nosed.
"Well Tater bug, its nice meeting you." He giggled.
"Well, you just proved me wrong about him being shy." Luke said crossing his arms with a smile. I stood back up.
"When you hired me you wanted someone good with kids. You got it." I smiled at him. He looked at Blake and then back to the boys. Tater was standing in front of me looking up. I looked down at him.
"You like deer?" Tater asked me. I smiled.
"Yes I do buddy. You like trucks?" He smiled wide.
"I like daddy's truck. It goes fast, and drives errywer. We fish with it too! It caught buncha fish." I looked at Luke and he shook his head.
"I forgot to put my truck in park when I was feeding that catfish last month. The boys were playing and not in the truck when it was still in drive and went into my pond with all the food. I got a newer one but looks so close to the same." Luke explained and I laughed.
"That's a good uh, statue for the pond." Luke laughed.
"Alright boys, play with Uncle Blake a little more while Nikki and I talk upstairs for a little. I'll order pizza then time for baths." The boys clapped and went running back to where they were. Tater turned around and came back to me hugging my leg. He looked up at me and smiled wide then ran back to where Bo was. "That's strange. Tater is never like that." Luke looked at me.  I shrugged.
"Charm." I smirked. He chuckled.
"You're gonna fit in fine here." Luke said smiling.

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