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Chapter 3 – The Second 'Toss'

Next Day – 8.00 PM – Cape Town

Khushi's POV

I tied up my hair in a high ponytail, with a band, and then stepped into my little bath and splashed my face with cold water a couple of times, so that all that puffiness around my eyes would vanish, but then it didn't completely, so I walked into my little kitchen and put some ice in a cloth and held it against my eyes.

Ice always helps with the puffiness around my eyes, when I need to get my face back to normal after crying it out for a while.

Today, was the first death anniversary of my parents and my brother, and Verma Uncle, aunty and Rahul had accompanied me, early this morning to the Radha Krishna Temple.Mom used to always visit it often and hold all her pooja's there, when she was alive, so I had scheduled a small pooja and havan with the pandit there, this morning at 730am, in their memory. And even though Verma Uncle, aunty and Rahul stood rock solid behind me through the ceremony, almost making me want to breakdown, I did not cry, I did not cry in front of them and put up the strongest face that I could, and smiled through the tears in the memory of my family and then rushed straight to work post the pooja, and then I had jamm packed my schedule back to back, and after I had finished work at the company at 330pm, I had rushed straight here to the shop and worked my shift , and today I was not just handelling the till, I was also helping Jack and Varun and Stacey and Verma Uncle take and prep orders. It had all served as the exact distraction, my mind needed, and I was doing well, until I excused myself 30 minutes earlier and came up to my room, to freshen up, and it was only then , that I allowed the tears to flow.

And I had spent the last twenty five minutes crying, in order to let all that grief and its emotions just flow through,but because I had preponed by Uber Schedule by 30 minutes today, I knew I had to compose myself and fix my frame of my mind to get ready for the same.I held the ice closer into the inner circles of my eyes for a coupls of more minutes and then moved back into my bath to check on my reflection, in the mirror and I gave myself a small smile bravely.

I looked normal.

Thank God.

I quickly made my way into the other stockroom, which was also my study room in which I had also stored some of mum, dads and krish's favourite stuff, and I opened the smaller suitcase, and my eyes fell on dad's favourite round neck black tee, the one he wore almost every second night to bed, and I picked it up, and held it close into my arms, and then I picked up mums favourite pink stoll, and Krish' favourite denim cap and just hugged it all close into my embrace, it still smelled of them.

I quickly wiped another tear that was threating to leave my eye and composed my emotions.I knew they were watching over me and were probably hating it to see me cry.I quickly took of my white tee that I had worn over my denim jeans for my shift at the coffeshop today and pulled dad's favorite black round neck tee over myself,and then placed Mums pink stoll around my neck and then I put Krish's favourite cap on and adjusted my pony tail through it and stepped in front of the mirror to look at my reflection.

Dad's tee was obviously oversized, I was floating in it, but moms stoll was perfect around my neck and krishs cap wasn't very tight around my head too.I smiled to myself ,and I picked up my phone, and looked at the time – 820PM.

I quickly made my way down.

And right as I stepped into backend off the coffee shop , I saw Verma Uncle step out of his office and he took one look at me and he pulled me into a hug as he spoke – " starting your Uber shift early today?"

I nodded – " yes uncle..."

He gave me a small smile – " good...but be safe...ok?"

I nodded,and right then Varun stepped out through our little relaxing corner, with his eyes glued to the screen and uncle rolled his eyes at him – " cmon your ten minutes break is up Varun, get back in the front..."

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