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Hello guyssss

So yes...I am back with an Update as promiseddd....and to be honest to you guys when I started writing this out – I did not intend to have this stand out as one Single Chapter of its own...and this long too..but as I was writing fingers just went with the flow with the thoughts in my heads that I felt would do Justice to Khushi's innerself as she was preparing herself for this for so so long!

And its 17k plus some words Guys.

I totally wanted to just focus on this bit since its so so so important to our lead protagnists Khushi's character development and I totally felt that Our Sunshine deserved these moments to herself – for she has come such a long long way and this was so so important to her!!

And now I shall let you all dive in without further Delay!

Please put on your seatbelats for a emotional Roller Coaster of a Update as Khushi sits on her first flight after the Crash with her Hoodie Guy by her Side!

Please ignore editing errors guys as I have not proofread!


CHAPTER 45 – Some Destined to be'Monumental' Days of Our Lives

Khushi's POV


I had been shoved straight against the wall,within two minutes of us starting to kiss each other.

And I think we have been at it for a bit.


I cannot let go of His Lips.

And He cannot Let go of Mine.

There is absolutely nothing new about it though.

The Two of US CAN LITERALLY NEVER Kiss each other enough!




We both Know we need to rush to the Airport Soon.

But we still can't Stop.

And just the way Arnav is holding me right now and his lips continuing to duel and dominate over mine over and over again – and his hands already caressing my back frame with both his hands over my jeans and the way he now pulls me closer into himself tells me that he is definitely not going to be the one to break away from our crazy sensual deep kiss, and I would have to initiate to break away reluctantly or we would probably get late now!

Ohh Godaamit Me!

I soooooooo do not want to pull apart from his Lips though.

But I have to.

So I try as I break apart now and I am heaving with my eyes closed,as he has buried his head now in the crook of my neck and immediately starts to unleash his magical Carnage on my neck and I tremble as usual but I say getting the words out – " Love...I think...we need to we??..Ar..nav..", I finish with a sensual moan as I feel both his hands now cup each of my backsides and caress it deeply as he pulls my lower body closer into his and pushes his closer into mine making the moment in between of us electrically hot and torturous and on reflex...I end up tilting my head to the side to give him more access to continue with his torture and I end up pushing my lowerself into him too and he groans in sheer desire now as his hands deepen their caress and his lips leaves a hard and urgent stamp over the base of my side neckline and then he starts to soothes it with its tongue sensually and I whisper trembling- " goshh...Love...we..r.eally..need to get going...or we would...oh..Arnav..please...", but he wont stop with his torture but now he sends out a curse in my ear and he whispers into my ear,in between sensual kisses on my earlobe – " Sunshine...the drive to the airport is a quick one and I think we have some more time...Ravi will call us on the extension when we all need to get down...and I can't beleive you are thinking about anything else at the surely haven't been intoxicated enough...I think I need to make this scotch drink off my lips a 90 ml neat shot...don't you think that you are so drunk on US that you cannot think of anything else..", and the next thing I know is that he's titled my head to the other side and is now starting to leaving another hard and sensual stamp on the other side of necklines base.

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